





公衆衛生テキストブックRobert BeagleholeOxford Textbook of Public Health (4th ed.) 2.1 Overview and frameworkOxford University Press2002
公衆衛生テキストブックSofia Gruskin and Daniel Tarantola Oxford Textbook of Public Health (4th ed.) 4.1 Health and human rightsOxford University Press2002
公衆衛生テキストブックStanley Gelbier, Peter G. RobinsonOxford Textbook of Public Health (4th ed.) 9.8 Dental public healthOxford University Press2002
公衆衛生と予防医学R. Gary RozierPublic Health & Preve"ntive Medicine (13th ed.) 62. Dental Public HealthAppleton & Lange1996
エッセンシャル歯科公衆衛生WattEssential Dental Public Health (1st ed.)Oxford University Press2002
エッセンシャル歯科公衆衛生WattEssential Dental Public Health (2nd ed.)Oxford University Press2013
歯科、歯科臨床、地域Brian A. Burt, Steven A. EklundDentistry, Dental Practice and the Community (6th Ed.)Saunders2005
世界化と健康Ichiro Kawachi (Editor), Sarah Wamala (Editor)Globalization and HealthOxford University Press2006
歯科公衆衛生原論James Morse DunningPrinciples of Dental Public HealthHarverd University Press1986
地域の医師のための予防医学Leavell & ClarkPreventive Medicine for the Doctor in His CommunityMcGraw-Hill1953
歯の齲蝕: 疾病と臨床管理V. Baelum, A. Sheiham and B. BurtDental Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical Management (2nd ed.) 28 Caries control for populationsWiley-Blackwell2008
歯の齲蝕: 疾病と臨床管理B. A. Burt, V. Baelum and O. FejerskovDental Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical Management (2nd ed.) 8 The epidemiology of dental cariesWiley-Blackwell2008
歯の齲蝕: 疾病と臨床管理E. Kay and R. CravenDental Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical Management (2nd ed.) 26 Promoting oral health in populationsWiley-Blackwell2008
フロリデーションファクツ2018American Dental AssociationFluoridation Facts 2018American Dental Association2018


カナダ人の健康についての新たなる展望(ラロンド・レポート)Marc LalondA New perspective on the health of CanadiansNational health and welfare1974http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/alt_formats/hpb-dgps/pdf/pubs/1974-lalonde/lalonde_e.pdf
ヘルシー・ピープル/健康づくりと疾病予防についてのアメリカ合衆国公衆衛生局長官による報告Julius B. RichmondHealthy People The Surgeon General’s Report On Health Promotion And Disease PreventionU.S. Department of health, education, and welfare1979http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/NN/B/B/G/K/segments.html
健康格差(ブラック・レポート)Sir Douglas BlackInequalities in HealthEnglish1980http://www.sochealth.co.uk/history/black.htm
健康づくりの概念と原理Ilona Kickbusch, Robert AndersonHealth promotion: concepts and principlesWorkd Health Organization1984http://whqlibdoc.who.int/euro/-1993/ICP_HSR_602__m01.pdf
食事と運動と健康の世界戦略Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and HealthWorld Health Organization2004http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/strategy/eb11344/en/index.html
口内保健教育の科学的基礎Scientific Basis of Oral Health Education-British Dental Association2004http://manamidentaloffice.g2.xrea.com/healtheducation.pdf


健康権を考えるMary RobinsonRealising the human right to healthLancet. 2009 Oct 3;11212009
医療反比例の法則Tuder HartThe inverse care lawLancet. 1971 Feb 27;1(7696):405-12.1971
一般歯周炎における個人のリスクファクター著者Personal risk factors for generalized periodontitis.J Clin Periodontol. 1995 Feb;22(2):136-45.1995
臨床的な歯の健康状態と主観的な日常生活への影響との関連著者Relation between clinical dental status and subjective impacts on daily living雑誌1995
開発途上国での健康づくりを妨げるもの: 前進せよ著者Impediments to health promotion in developing countries: the way forward 雑誌1995
健康づくりの枠組み理論としての健康遺伝模型著者The salutogenic model as a theory to guide health promotion雑誌1996
齲蝕の概念と、その理解の重要性O. FejerskovConcepts of dental caries and their consequences for understanding the diseaseCommunity Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Volume 25 Issue 1, Pages 5 - 121996
まだ子供の歯を気にかける?Curzon, ME, Pollard, MADo we still care about children’s teeth?British Dental Journal 1997; Volume 182, No. 7, pages 242-244.1997
デジタルX線撮影法の上正な利用の潜在性著者Potential for fraudulent use of digital radiography.雑誌1999
共通のリスク・ファクター手法: 合理的な口腔の健康づくりについて著者The Common Risk Factor Approach: a rational basis for promoting oral health.雑誌2000
英国における人頭制の登録と社会的貧困‘歯科’医療反比例の法則著者Capitation registration and social deprivation in England. An inverse‘dental’care law? 雑誌2001
なぜ医師は健康格差に憂慮するのか。それは、格差は上公平で、あらゆる人々を傷つけるためである。河内一郎Why should physicians be concerned about health inequalities? Because inequalities are unfair and hurt everyone. 雑誌2001
歯科治療へのユニバーサル・アクセスの小児の齲蝕経験の格差に及ぼす影響Amid I. Ismail, Woosung SohnThe impact of universal access to dental care on disparities in caries experience in childrenJ Am Dent Assoc, Vol 132, No 3, 295-303. 2001
疫学者の役割と責任著者Roles and Responsibilities of Epidemiologists 雑誌2002
健康の社会的決定要因理論の夜明け: 口腔の健康づくりへの示唆著者Emerging theories into the social determinants of health: implications for oral health promotion.雑誌2002
“新たなる公衆衛生”とは?著者What’s New About the“New Public Health”?雑誌2002
口腔健康の社会的決定要因: 複雑な因果関係を概念化し研究する新たなる手法著者The social determinants of oral health: new approaches to conceptualizing and researching complex causal networks 雑誌2005
歯科公衆衛生におけるリスクの考え方BurtConcepts of risk in dental public health.雑誌2005
口腔疾病の予防と健康作りの戦略と手法著者Strategies and approaches in oral disease prevention and health promotion雑誌2005
歯の齲蝕の流行と格差における課題著者The dental caries pandemic and disparities problem.雑誌2006
Australiaにおける、社会経済的上利と健康危険行動の変化について著者Socioeconomic disadvantage and changes in health risk behaviours in Australia: 1989-90 to 2001 雑誌2007
タンザニアの学童におけるChile-OIDP一覧表の簡約版の適応著者Applicability of an abbreviated version of the Child-OIDP inventory among primary schoolchildren in Tanzania. 雑誌2007
タンザニアの成人における歯科治療の認知されたニーズについての横断研究著者Perceived dental treatment need among older Tanzanian adults- a cross sectional study.雑誌2007
犠牲者非難との決別: 口腔の健康格差の社会的決定要因への取り組み著者From victim blaming to upstream action: tackling the social determinants of oral health inequalities雑誌2007
口腔健康の社会的格差の理論的説明著者Theoretical explanations for social inequalities in oral health. 雑誌2007
成人における定期的な歯面清掃の歯周組織への影響Beirne P, Worthington HV, Clarkson JERoutine scale and polish for periodontal health in adultsThe Cochrane Library2007
小児の歯のフッ素症の原因としてのフッ化物の局所応用May CM Wong, Anne-Marie Glenny, Boyd WK Tsang, Edward CM Lo, Helen V Worthington, Valeria CC MarinhoTopical fluoride as a cause of dental fluorosis in childrenThe Cochrane Library2010
齲蝕経験の要因を評価のためのライフ・コース手法: 成人における生物学的、行動的、社会経済的、物理的状況と齲蝕の関連B. Nicolau, W. Marcenes, M. Bartley, A. SheihaA Life Course Approach to Assessing Causes of Dental Caries Experience: The Relationship between Biological, Behavioural, Socio-Economic and Psychological Conditions and Caries in AdolescentsCaries Research 2003;37:319-3262003
心理社会的要因と歯周疾病を評価するためのライフ・コース手法Nicolau, Belinda; Netuveli, Gopalakrishnan; Kim, Jung-Wang Martin; Sheiham, Aubrey; Marcenes, WagnerA life-course approach to assess psychosocial factors and periodontal diseaseJournal of Clinical Periodontology, Volume 34, Number 10, October 2007 , pp. 844-8502007
公衆衛生における科学と社会の責任Weed DL, McKeown RE.Science and social responsibility in public health.Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Nov;111(14):1804-8.2003
公衆衛生の目標としてのヘルスリテラシー:21世紀における現在の健康教育と情報伝達戦略への挑戦Don NutbeamHealth literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st centuryHealth Promotion International, Vol. 15, No. 3, 259-267, September 20002000


health promotion; social determinants of health; disparities (inequalities, inequity, injustice) in health; life course analysis; salutogenic model ; social capital; inverse care law; common risk factor approach; victim blaming; reoriented health care; upstream-downstream
健康づくり; 健康の社会的決定要因; 健康格差; ライフ・コース分析; 健康遺伝模型; 社会資本; 医療反比例の法則; コモン・リスク・ファクター手法; 犠牲者非難; 医療の再設定; 上流と下流



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endemic, epidemic, pandemic地方的流行、地域的流行、世界的流行


Water Fluoridation and Cognitive Function: A Closer Look at the Evidence


An essay in this series1 reviewed a 2019 study published in JAMA Pediatrics which reported the relationship of pregnant women’s exposure to water fluoridation to the intelligent quotient (IQ) of their children at 3 to 4 years of age2.
本シリーズの小論1は、2019年AMA小児科ジャーナル(JAMA Pediatrics)に公表された妊婦のフロリデーションへの暴露とその小児が3-4歳に成長した際のIQ(intelligent quotient)の関係についての報告2をレビューしています。
This study from Canada found reduced IQ in children whose mothers ingested fluoridated water during the pregnancy.
This publication2 was accompanied by both a comment from the editor about publication of the controversial paper3 and an invited editorial that raised a number of points about the importance of water fluoridation as a public health measure, as well as the concerns about fluoride as toxic to neurodevelopment4.
カナダのこの研究2は、この(物議を醸す)論文の公表についての編集者のコメント3、そしてフロリデーションの公衆衛生施策としての重要性とフッ化物の神経発達への毒性に対する懸念についての数多くの視点を提起した社説4(invited editorial)、その両方を巻き起こしました。

At the time of publication of the report by Green et al2, the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a component of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (one of twenty-seven Institutes and Centers of the U.S. National Institutes of Health), issued a draft report reviewing the available literature examining the relationship of exposure to fluoride and cognitive development/function5.
Greenらによる報告2の公表時、(27ある米国国立衛生研究所NIHの研究所、施設の1つである)国立環境衛生科学研究所(National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)による米国国家毒性プログラム(National Toxicology Program)は、フッ化物への暴露と認知発達/認知機能の関係を調査した文献のレビューの草案5を公開しました。
The major conclusion of the draft report was that exposure to fluoride/fluoridated water was “presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans”.
However, this draft report has subsequently been reviewed by an expert committee convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NAS; a non-governmental organization established in 1863 to serve as an independent advisor to the United States on scientific matters).
次いで、この草案は、全米アカデミーズ(NAS; アメリカ合衆国の科学案件scientific mattersに独立的に助言するため1863年に設立したNGO)に招集された専門委員会によりレビューされました。[訳注 全米アカデミーズは、全米科学アカデミーNAS、全米技術アカデミーNAE、全米医学アカデミーNAM、全米研究評議会NRCの4組織から構成されます]
The conclusion of the expert committee6 was that the available evidence did not support the conclusions in the NAS draft report.
The committee clarified their conclusion by stating that no determination could be made regarding cause and effect.
The chair of the committee David Savitz stated, “we’re saying that the report doesn’t provide the trail of evidence and logic that would be desired to reach a conclusion.”

An in-depth review of the committee’s concerns7 included the draft report’s failure to
1) adequately consider the bias in the selection of studies for review.
1) 研究の選択バイアスを熟慮してください。[訳注 選択バイアスは研究対象を選ぶ際に生じる偏り]
The sources of the many of the studies selected for review was the Fluoride Action Network, an anti-fluoridation organization,
レビューに選択された研究の多くは、アンチフロリデーション組織であるFluorie Action Networkが出典でした。
2) the risk of bias associated with the referenced studies was not always included,
2) 参照した研究のバイアスのリスクを、考慮していないケースがあります。[訳注 バイアスのリスクは、研究デザインにより避けることのできない偏り、つまり研究の限界のこと]
3) the failure to fully compare studies that used the same methodology, i.e. how fluoride exposure was measured, how neurodevelopment and intelligence were evaluated,
3) 同じ方法を利用した研究を十分には比較していません。[訳注 他にも検討すべき研究があったということか]
4) confounding, which would consider the effect of other variables, was not consistently a part of the cited studies
4) (他の変数の影響を考慮する)交絡は、引用された研究のデータではない場合もありました。[訳注 他の研究論文のデータで交絡を調整、制御したということか]
and 5) there was no meta-analysis, which would have combined the effects of different studies, with weighting based on the sample size in each study.
5) 異なる研究の影響を統合する手法であるメタアナリシスではなく、各研究のサンプルサイズに基づく重みづけをしていました。[訳注 笑うところでしょうか…]
A meta-analysis combines the outcomes from multiple studies to answer questions by evaluating the larger total population.
メタアナリシスは複数の研究のアウトカムを統合し、エビデンス総体を評価し、質問に答えます。[訳注 エビデンス総体は、アウトカムごと、研究デザインごとに評価し、その結果をまとめたもの]
A properly performed meta-analysis depends upon strict inclusion/exclusion criteria when determining which studies are to be included.
This assures that the conclusions are based on the findings from the most scientifically valid reports.

An important concern about the draft report is the inclusion of studies that are methodologically poor.
To provide an example of a well-performed study that has addressed the water fluoridation/cognitive function linkage, a long-term study from New Zealand examined exposure to water fluoridation throughout life and IQ8.

The longitudinal population study from New Zealand evaluated a birth cohort from 1972-1973 to determine the relationship between fluoride exposure before the age of 5 (including fluoridated water, fluoride-containing dentifrice and fluoride supplements) and intelligence (IQ) between the ages of 7 and 12 years and then at 38 years.
The population were members of the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, a cohort of 1037 individuals born in Dunedin, New Zealand.
For this analysis, data was available from 992 individuals.

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised was employed during childhood, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – fourth Edition was used when the cohort were adults.

After adjustment for confounders, and comparing these two groups as children and adults, there were no differences in IQ comparing individuals who lived in areas with fluoridated water, used fluoridated toothpaste or fluoride tablets versus those individuals who did not ingest these fluorides (Table 1).

The authors make several points worth mentioning.

  1. The strengths of this report include the use of a well-recognized tests for IQ, the prospective nature of the study, and the length of time of follow-up.
  2. Limitations include the inability to determine the amount of water consumed by study participants living in areas with fluoridated water, as well as determine other dietary sources of fluoride.
  3. They mention that previous studies have often failed to consider the recognized differences in IQ of persons who live in different locales, i.e. higher for persons in urban versus rural areas. They suggested that this difference (including, for example, broader educational opportunities in urban settings) may account for the differences observed in some studies.
  4. They stated that as a group, the participants in this study are comparable to those in similar geographic settings in North America and Europe. The concentration of fluoride in the water in New Zealand is 0.7-1.0 parts per million, which is generally equivalent to what is found in most other countries that fluoridate the water supply. Dunedin has established a concentration of fluoride in water at 0.75 parts per million.

Another national study that has examined several outcomes associated with levels of fluoride in drinking water was released by the Swedish Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy9. This study was not included in the draft of the NTP report. Available data for individuals born between 1985 and 1992 were reported. Information about the concentration of fluoride in the drinking water was available, and the primary outcomes were cognitive and non-cognitive test results, scores on math tests as well as the impact of exposure to fluoride in the water on the labor market.

When discussing fluoride in the water supply, in addition to adding fluoride to municipal supply, ground water often naturally contains fluoride as a result of its passage through rock. In Sweden, the ground water is naturally fluoridated, the levels are monitored, and authorities allow the concentration to be maintained if the concentration is at or below the recommended upper level of 1.5 parts per million. They acknowledge the controversy related to fluoride exposure and adverse effects on cognitive function but point out that in a number of those studies the fluoride concentration was well above the concentration considered to be safe, and some studies suffered from methodological deficiencies.

Their analysis of the available data for the 1985 to 1992 birth cohorts includes IQ at the age of 16 (for a subset of the population), and dental outcomes in 2008 and 2013, as well as income and employment data from 2014. The fluoride exposure via the water supply was determined based on residence and national data on fluoride concentration in each region. Potential confounders were also considered in the analysis. The total population of the cohort was 825,000 persons, with subsets available for a more detailed analysis (e.g. 728,000 persons were evaluated for the important outcome of employment status).

The results were as follows.

  1. Exposure to water fluoridation is associated with improved dental health.
  2. Fluoride exposure had no effect on cognitive or non-cognitive function. Further, no differences were seen for math scores.
  3. Fluoride exposure was associated with an increase in annual income and being employed (versus unemployed). Their interpretation is that better dental health provides an advantage in the labor market.

The authors conclude that in terms of policy implications, especially for countries considering water fluoridation, introduction of fluoridation will have health and personal benefits. Further, if the fluoride concentration is at or below the recommended concentration, fluoridation is safe.

What are the conclusions that can be drawn from both the recent report from the NTP draft report5, the NAS review of that report6 and the other literature regarding the value of water fluoridation, and whether water fluoridation is toxic for neurodevelopment?

  1. The benefits of water fluoridation on oral and dental health are undeniable, with a robust literature that dates back 75 years10. This conclusion continues to be reinforced as seen in a 2018 report from Public Health England11, which noted that five-year-old children who lived in areas with fluoridated water experienced a lower caries rate and less severe caries as compared to children in a non-fluoridated area. Benefits were seen in both affluent and less-affluent areas. In addition, the chances of requiring a hospital-based tooth extraction were significantly lower in fluoridated versus non-fluoridated areas.
  2. Fluoride is toxic in high concentrations, but at the optimal concentration is associated with important oral health benefits with a very low risk of complications. Drugs and compounds used to improve health have an appropriate therapeutic concentration or dose. Lower concentrations/doses have little or no effect and higher concentrations/doses can have detrimental effects, leading to morbidity and even mortality. However, the primary detrimental effect of excessive exposure to fluoride, usually in association with high natural levels of fluoride in the drinking water, is dental fluorosis11. Other potential adverse side effects were examined, including increased prevalence of hip fracture, kidney stones, bladder cancer and osteosarcoma. The data did not associate water fluoridation with these potential complications11. Other reviews have come to the same conclusion, i.e. that the major adverse effect of higher than recommended exposure to fluoride is dental fluorosis, it occurs in a dose-dependent fashion, and when mild to moderate is generally not an esthetic concern12.
  3. The controversy over the association of water fluoridation/total fluoride exposure to cognitive development was again brought to the fore by the publication by Green et al in JAMA Pediatrics2. Concurrently, the preliminary report of the association of fluoride intake within cognitive neurodevelopment by the NTP5 was reviewed by an ad hoc committee of NAS6, which questioned the preliminary findings of the NTP report that associated fluoride intake with lower IQ scores. This body of literature is challenging to summarize since many of the published studies are methodologically deficient6. For example, studies failed to consider all confounders that could influence the outcome variable, e.g. IQ. Quite surprisingly, the NTP review failed to include the large and comprehensive study from Sweden9, which found no association between ingestion of fluoridated water and IQ. That study, as well as the Broadbent et. al study from New Zealand8 are examples of research reports that meets the highest standards of scientific validity. Furthermore, with widespread use of topical fluoride in toothpaste, varnish and other modes of delivery, any evaluation of the effect of water fluoridation must consider these other sources of exposure.
  4. In response primarily to the findings that associate increased fluoride ingestion to dental fluorosis, the recommended concentration of fluoride in the drinking water was reduced to 0.7 ppm. As with all drugs and compounds that are used to prevent or treat human diseases, the minimum effective concentration, which is not associated with adverse events, is what is recommended. For water fluoridation, in the U.S. that is now 0.7 parts per million13.

The question of the risk to benefit ratio of water fluoridation has been debated almost since the time that fluoridation was introduced into the water supply. The anti-fluoridationist arguments are often emotive and political, and do not always rely on the most scientifically sound data. Furthermore, interested members of the lay public are likely to derive their information from online sources, so dental professionals must be knowledgeable about the most current and scientifically valid information. A recent evaluation of the quality of information about water fluoridation available online determined that it was superficial, and sources of the information were not provided. Credibility was also a problem, particularly for websites that were classified as opposed to water fluoridation14. As the discussion continues, debate must be based on sound scientific information, while limiting extraneous arguments. The benefits of water fluoridation have improved the quality of life of children and adults, with reduced prevalence of dental caries in the primary and permanent detentions, reduced need for restorative procedures and a marked reduction in painful dental abscesses early in life. Over the life course, this means improved oral health and reduced loss of teeth and edentulism. Further, in developing countries, where the introduction of fermentable carbohydrates in the diet has led to a jump in the caries rate, but routine dental services are not available, the use of water fluoridation represents a valuable approach to controlling dental disease15.

In summation, the importance of water fluoridation as a public health approach to reduce the caries rate is an established fact.
Despite the evidence supporting the safety of water fluoridation at the appropriate concentration, this question will no doubt continue to be debated.

As for all such discussions, the strength of the scientific evidence, with consideration of study methodology, must ultimately be the basis for policy decisions.

Table 1: IQ scores during childhood and adulthood when divided by exposure to fluoride8

COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health countermeasures




Cruise ships carry a large number of people in confined spaces with relative homogeneous mixing.
On 3 February, 2020, an outbreak of COVID-19 on cruise ship Diamond Princess was reported with 10 initial cases, following an index case on board around 21-25 January.
By 4 February, public health measures such as removal and isolation of ill passengers and quarantine of non-ill passengers were implemented.
By 20 February, 619 of 3,700 passengers and crew (17%) were tested positive.

We estimated the basic reproduction number from the initial period of the outbreak using (SEIR) models.
We calibrated the models with transient functions of countermeasures to incidence data.
We additionally estimated a counterfactual scenario in absence of countermeasures, and established a model stratified by crew and guests to study the impact of differential contact rates among the groups.
We also compared scenarios of an earlier versus later evacuation of the ship.

The basic reproduction rate was initially 4 times higher on-board compared to the R0 in the epicentre in Wuhan, but the countermeasures lowered it substantially.
Based on the modeled initial R0 of 14.8, we estimated that without any interventions within the time period of 21 January to 19 February, 2920 out of the 3700 (79%) would have been infected.
Isolation and quarantine therefore prevented 2307 cases, and lowered the R0 to 1.78.
We showed that an early evacuation of all passengers on 3 February would have been associated with 76 infected persons in their incubation time.

The cruise ship conditions clearly amplified an already highly transmissible disease.
The public health measures prevented more than 2000 additional cases compared to no interventions.
However, evacuating all passengers and crew early on in the outbreak would have prevented many more passengers and crew from infection.

The 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion will be held in Helsinki, 10-14 June 2013
第8回健康づくり国際会議開催 2013年6月10-14日


The 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion will be held in Helsinki, 10-14 June 2013
第8回健康つくり国際会議開催 2013年6月10-14日
Milestones in health promotion: Statements from global conferences

This compilation of consensus documents brings together Charters, Declarations, Statements and Recommendations from past Health Promotion conferences.
With the statements from Ottawa in 1986 to Bangkok in 2005 under one cover, this publication is a ready and authoritative reference.
It includes the Discussion Document on the Concept and Principles of Health Promotion, Copenhagen, 9-13 July 1984.
Dowload the publication pdf, 2.31Mb

Promoting health

Health promotion strategies are not limited to a specific health problem, nor to a specific set of behaviours.
WHO as a whole applies the principles of, and strategies for, health promotion to a variety of population groups, risk factors, diseases, and in various settings.
Health promotion, and the associated efforts put into education, community development, policy, legislation and regulation, are equally valid for prevention of communicable diseases, injury and violence, and mental problems, as they are for prevention of noncommunicable diseases.

8th Global Conference on Health Promotion - the Helsinki Statement on Health in All Policies
第8回健康づくり国際会議 あらゆる保健政策におけるヘルシンキ宣言


The 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion was held in Helsinki, Finland from 10-14 June 2013. The conference was co-organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland (MSAH).

The conference builds upon a rich heritage of ideas, actions and evidence originally inspired by the Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care (1978) and the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986).

These identified intersectoral action and healthy public policy as central elements for the promotion of health, the achievement of health equity, and the realization of health as a human right.

Read the Helsinki Statement on Health in All Policies
Read more about the conference

Conference aims

To facilitate exchange of experiences and lessons learnt and give guidance on effective mechanisms for promoting intersectoral action

To review approaches to address barriers and build capacity for implementing Health in All Policies

To identify opportunities to implement the recommendations of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health through Health in All Policies

To establish and review economic, developmental and social case for investing in HiAP

To address the contribution of health promotion in the renewal and reform of primary health care

To review progress, impact and achievements of health promotion since the Ottawa Conference

Why should physicians be concerned about health inequalities? Because inequalities are unfair and hurt everyone.

Alistair Woodward and Ichiro Kawachi

West J Med. 2001 July; 175(1): 6-7.



Statistics the world over show that good health is shared unevenly.
Rates of disease and injury are strongly associated with social and economic factors such as income, education, and occupation.
[これはsocial determinants of health健康の社会的決定要因という概念で説明されます]
In many countries, the gap between the health of advantaged and disadvantaged groups is widening, even though measures such as average life expectancy indicate that the health of the population as a whole is improving.

The most powerful argument for reducing inequalities is on the grounds of justice.
For many people, it is simply an affront to their sense of what is fair and proper that some people should have more than their share of avoidable illness.
However, when challenged, most of us probably find it difficult to explain why such a situation should be unacceptable.
There is no comprehensive account of justice that describes which health differencesare unjust or that prescribes exactly the extent to which they should be reduced.

Someone holding a utilitarian philosophical position might be comfortable with an improvement in average health status ("the greatest good for the greatest number") that does not necessarily narrow the differentials caused by socioeconomic status.
But many people are unwilling to accept the "end justifies the means" implications of such a world view.
A different philosophical position might view health as such an important asset (both as an end in itself and as an instrumental ingredient in achieving valued "doings and beings") that gross inequalities in its distribution would be regarded as intrinsically problematic.1
In this light, poor health is one of the most important causes of restricted opportunity and limited personal freedom.
It can be argued also that socioeconomic disparities in health status are unfair to the extent that they reflect underlying inequities in the distribution of "primary goods," that is, the social determinants of health, including liberty, powers, opportunities, income and wealth, and the social bases of self-respect.2
健康状況の社会経済格差は上公平に広がり、その広がりは "第一次産品" の分布にみられる潜在的上公平、つまり自由、権力、機会、収入と富、そして自尊心の社会的基礎からなる、健康の社会的決定要因に影響することも、論じられている。2

Disparities in health are not a natural or inevitable consequence of society, nor are economic inequalities accidental: they result from decisions made by society on issues such as tax policy, home ownership, business regulation, welfare benefits, and health care funding.3
We suggest that inequalities become unfair when poor health is itself the consequence of an unjust distribution of the underlying social determinants of health (eg, unequal opportunities in education or employment).

Aside from the claims of justice, another compelling reason for reducing health disparities is that reducing them will benefit society at large by preventing "spillover" effects.
This means that a reduction in health inequalities would benefit others in the population besides those with the worst health.
One reason the sanitary reforms of the 19th century took place was that the affluent realized that the living conditions of the poor were a threat to their own good health.
[これはEdwin Chadwickが、Bentham的utilitarianismに基づき、公衆衛生を推進したことを示しています]
We see the same picture with modern epidemics such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, where disease emerges in conditions of poverty and disorder but is not confined to these populations.
Self-interest does not apply only to control of infectious disease; alcohol abuse, mental illness, and violence also illustrate the general principle that everyone may be affected by the conditions of the weakest and most vulnerable members of their community.
利己 [的動機] は、感染性疾病の管理にのみ適応されるのではない。あらゆる人々は、地域社会の最弱層のアルコール依存、精神障害、暴力という状況の影響を受けることが、示されている。

Loss of the "social glue" that holds groups together may have many adverse consequences, including latent social conflict, diminished functioning of democracy, and reduced investment in social goods such as education and health care.4
[social glueはsocial cohesionと同義語?]
When there are marked inequalities, those who are disadvantaged may lack the resources to participate in the social and economic mainstream of society.
Apart from moral considerations, exclusion is costly.
Exclusion is inefficient (since it represents a waste of potential talent) and unsafe (individuals who are out of the mainstream do not have a stake in the security of the wider community).


It is true that some health care interventions have caused a widening of health inequalities, but this is by no means inevitable.
[この辺は、inversed care lowを前提としています]
The distribution of effects depends on the nature of the intervention-structural and environmental interventions are likely to affect the population more evenly than educational programs aimed at individual behavior change (and also have greater potential to reduce health inequalities).
影響の分布は、介入の性質に依存する。構造的環境的介入は、個人の行動変容を狙う教育計画よりも、むらなく母集団に影響をもたらす (そして健康格差を緩和する大きな可能性をもつ)。
For example, fluoridated water supplies are most beneficial for children with the highest rates of tooth decay, and consequently, the addition of fluoride to drinking water has reduced dental health inequalities.5
Similarly, tax changes to raise the price of cigarettes have lowered smoking rates most in the groups with the highest consumption.6
同様に、煙草の値段を上げるための [煙草への] 課税は、最も煙草を消費する人の喫煙を減らす。6
[Poor Smokersでは、たばこへの課税は貧困層の懐を直撃する、としています]
Health care interventions that are deliberately targeted to high-risk groups have also been shown to reduce inequalities.7
故意にハイリスク集団を標的とする医療介入による格差の緩和も示されている。7 [high-risk groupsという表現に気をつけてください。high-risk individualなるものは、生物医学模型では "あり" かもしれませんが、健康の社会的決定要因では "なし" です]


Physicians see the human face of inequalities every day in their offices.
What stands behind the statistics are individual cases of avoidable death and disability.
[disablityは能力低下と訳されますが、handicap社会的上利といったLockerのconceptual modelを考慮すると、disability身体的障害、handicap社会的障害と訳した方が、分かりやすいかなと思ったり、あんまり訳語を提案するのも、混乱の種だなと思ったり]
We seldom think of social disadvantage as a risk factor for disease in the same way that heavy alcohol consumption raises the risk of liver cirrhosis, or hypertension is associated with heart disease.
But the effects of health inequalities are just as important to the health of patients as lifestyle factors such as drinking and smoking.
Taking cardiovascular disease as an example, the population-attributable risk fraction (the proportion of disease that can be attributed to a risk factor) is similar for low socioeconomic status and for smoking.
例として心血管疾病をあげると、社会経済地位ち喫煙の母集団の寄与危険比 (attributable risk fraction、リスク・ファクターに貢献する疾病の割合) は、同等である。
The role the medical profession takes in supporting tobacco control is widely accepted.
Physicians also have an important role in implementing interventions and advocating for policies that abate socioeconomic disparities.


1. Sen A. Inequality Re-examined. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 1992.
2. Daniels N, Kennedy BP, Kawachi I. Why justice is good for our health: the social determinants of health inequalities. Daedalus 1999;128: 215-251. [PubMed].
3. Fischer CS, Hout M, Jankowski M, Lucas SR, Swidler A, Voss K. Inequality by Design. Cracking the Bell Curve Myth. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 1996.
4. Kawachi I, Kennedy BP. Health and social cohesion: why care about income inequality? BMJ 1997;314: 1037-1040. [PubMed].
5. Carmichael CL, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Ferrell RS. The relationship between fluoridation, social class and caries experience in 5-year-old children in Newcastle and Northumberland in 1987. Br Dent J 1989;167: 57-61. [PubMed].
6. Townsend J, Roderick P, Cooper. Cigarette smoking by socioeconomic group, sex and age: effects of price, income, and health publicity. BMJ 1994;309: 923-927. [PubMed].
7. Victora CG, Vaughan JP, Barros FC, Silva AC, Tomasi E. Explaining trends in inequities: evidence from Brazilian child health studies. Lancet 2000;356: 1093-1098. [PubMed].

What’s New About the“New Public Health”?

Niyi Awofeso, PhD, MPH, MBChB

May 2004,Vol 94,No. 5 American Journal of Public Health



From its origins, when public health was integral to societies’social structures, through the sanitary movement and contagion eras, when it evolved as a separate discipline, to the“new public health”era, when health promotion projects like Healthy Cities appear to be steering the discipline back to society’s social structure, public health seems to have come full circle.
It is this observation that has led some to ask,“What’s new about the‘new public health’?”

This article addresses the question by highlighting what is new about the health promotion era―including adapted components of previous eras that have been incorporated into its core activities―and its suitability in addressing established and emerging public health threats.


6 major approaches to public health practice implemented between ancient times and the contemporary era, defined more by important milestones than by convention.
These approaches are (1) public health as health protection, mediated though societies’social structures;
(1) 社会構造を仲介した健康保護としての公衆衛生
(2) the shaping of a distinct public health discipline by the sanitary movement (“miasma control”);
(2) 公衆衛生運動による、明確な公衆衛生の規律の形成 (“瘴気論”)
(3) public health as contagion control;
(3) 感染症対策としての公衆衛生
(4) public health as preventive medicine;
(4) 予防医学としての公衆衛生
(5) public health as primary health care;
(5) 初期医療としての公衆衛生
and (6) the“new public health”- health promotion (Table1).
(6)“新たなる公衆衛生” - 健康づくり (Table 1)

TABLE 1. Six Eras in the Evolution of Public Health
Table 1. 公衆衛生の展開における6つの時代

Public Health Era
Dominant Paradigm
Analytic Approaches
Action Frameworks
Legacies Incorporated Into Contemporary Public Health

1.Health Protection (antiquity-1830s)
1.健康保護 (古代-1830年代)
Diseases may be prevented by enforced regulation of human behavior, mediated through societies’social structures.
Interpretation/promulgation of religious and cultural rules that are thought by the ruling elites to protect the health of the individual and the community.
Enforcement of spiritual practices, community taboos, customs, and quarantine.
Quarantine of illegal migrants;
enforcement of some environmental protection laws;
aspects of spirituality in prevention and coping with disease;
some occupational and transport safety laws.
2.Miasma Control (1840s-1870s)
2.瘴気論 (1840-1870年代)
Addressing unsanitary environmental conditions may prevent diseases.
Demonstration that poor health and epidemics resulted directly from unsanitary physical and social environments.
Centralized action to improve environmental sanitation;
public health legislation relating to minimum standards for drainage, sewage, and refuse disposal.
Aspects of Healthy Cities initiatives;
potable water and sanitation programs;
legal framework for implementing public health activities;
foundations of modern epidemiology and surveillance.
3.Contagion Control (1880s-1930s)
3.感染症対策 (1880年代-1930年代)
Germ Theory: positivist approach to demonstration of infectious origins of diseases.
微生物病原説: 感染性病原微生物を示す実証主義
Demonstration of the presence of disease-causing microorganisms in infected media, their isolation, and experimental transmission.
Interruption of disease transmission through improved water filtration processes;


standardized disease outbreak control measures.
Evidence-based public health practice;

ethical vaccination practices;

foundations for international cooperation in health;

foundations for modern chemotherapy.
4.Preventive Medicine (1940s-1960s) Improvements in public health through focus on the prevention and cure of diseases in “high-risk groups.” Definition of, and interventions aimed at,main avenues for disease transmission. Medical dominance, with focus on treatment of communicable diseases and primary care of“special populations”(e.g., pregnant women and factory workers). Environmental interventions directed at disease vectors such as mosquitoes; dentification and use of “useful”microbes; enhanced medical care for“high-risk populations”(e.g., pregnant groups”; foundations of modern clinical pathology. Focus on“high-risk groups”in the planning and implementation of public health programs; improved understanding of the pathogenesis of communicable and noncommunicable diseases.
5.Primary Health Care (1970s-1980s) Health for All: effective health care geared toward the community, for the community,and by the community. Largely preventive health care approach, underpinned by emphasis on equity,community participation, accessibility of services, and social determinants of health. Emphasis on global cooperation and peace;
adapting health services to countries and communities;
links between health care and socioeconomic development;
intersectoral cooperation in health promotion and disease prevention;
equity in health care.
Concepts underpinning multicultural health and Healthy Cities initiatives, health inequalities, and community participation in health promotion activities.
6.Health Promotion (1990s-present) Advocacy for health; enabling individuals and communities to attain optimal health. Individuals and communities may be assisted by educational, economic,and political actions to increase control over,and improve, their health through attitudinal, behavioral,social,and environmental changes. Encapsulated by the key action areas of the Ottawa Charter:

build healthy public policy;

create supportive environments;

strengthen community action;

develop personal skills;

and reorient health services.

The social determinants of oral health: new approaches to conceptualizing and researching complex causal networks
口腔健康の社会的決定要因: 複雑な因果関係を概念化し研究する新たなる手法

Newton JT, Bower EJ.

Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2005; 33: 25-34.


Abstract - Oral epidemiological research into the social determinants of oral health has been limited by the absence of a theoretical framework which reflects the complexity of real life social processes and the network of causal pathways between social structure and oral health and disease.
要約- 口腔健康の社会的決定要因に向けた口腔疫学的研究は、複雑な現実生活の社会過程や社会的構造と口腔健康/疾病の間の因果関係を反映した理論的枠組みがないために、限定的となっている。
In the absence of such a framework, social determinants are treated as isolated risk factors, attributable to the individual, having a direct impact on oral health.
There is little sense of how such factors interrelate over time and place and the pathways between the factors and oral health.
Features of social life which impact on individuals’ oral health but are not reducible to the individual remain under-researched.
A conceptual framework informing mainstream epidemiological research into the social determinants of health is applied to oral epidemiology.
The framework suggests complex causal pathways between social structure and health via interlinking material, psychosocial and behavioural pathways.
Methodological implications for oral epidemiological research informed by the framework, such as the use of multilevel modelling, path analysis and structural equation modelling, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, and collaborative research, are discussed.

Key words: epidemiology; oral health; qualitative research; statistical model; theoretical model

The salutogenic model as a theory to guide health promotion


Health Promotion International, Vol. 11, No. 1, 11-18, 1996


This paper provides a critical look at the challenges facing the field of health promotion.
Pointing to the persistence of the disease orientation and the limits of risk factor approaches for conceptualizing and conducting research on health, the salutogenic orientation is presented as a more viable paradigm for health promotion research and practice.
The Sense of Coherence framework is offered as a useful theory for taking a salutogenic approach to health research.

Key words: health promotion; salutogenic model; theory

Routine scale and polish for periodontal health in adults

Beirne P, Worthington HV, Clarkson JE

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007 Issue 4




The effects on periodontal health of a routine scale and polish and of providing this intervention at different time intervals are unclear

Many dentists and hygienists regularly provide scaling and polishing for patients, even if those patients are considered to be at low risk of developing periodontal (gum) disease.
The trials included in this review were judged to be of poor quality.
The research evidence was of insufficient quality to reach any conclusions regarding the beneficial and adverse effects of routine scaling and polishing for periodontal health and regarding the effects of providing this intervention at different time intervals.



Many dentists or hygienists provide scaling and polishing for patients at regular intervals, even if those patients are considered to be at low risk of developing periodontal disease.

There is debate over the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of 'routine scaling and polishing' and the 'optimal' frequency at which it should be provided.


The main objectives were:
to determine the beneficial and harmful effects of routine scaling and polishing for periodontal health;
to determine the beneficial and harmful effects of providing routine scaling and polishing at different time intervals on periodontal health;
to compare the effects of routine scaling and polishing provided by a dentist or professionals complementary to dentistry (PCD) (dental therapists or dental hygienists) on periodontal health.
歯科医師とPCD (歯科療法士、歯科衛生士)による定期的なスケーリングとポリッシングの歯周組織への作用の比較

Search strategy

We searched the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE and EMBASE. Reference lists from relevant articles were scanned and the authors of eligible studies were contacted additional information.
Date of most recent searches: 5th March 2007.

Selection criteria

Trials were selected if they met the following criteria:
design - random allocation of participants;
デザイン - 被験者のランダム割り付け
participants - anyone with an erupted permanent dentition who were judged to have received a 'routine scale and polish' (as defined in this review);
被験者 - (本レビューの定義による)‘定期的なスケーリングとポリッシング’を受けたと判断される、永久歯のある成人
interventions - 'routine scale and polish' (as defined in this review) and routine scale and polish provided at different time intervals;
介入 - (本レビューの定義による)‘定期的なスケーリングとポリッシング’そして、さまざまな間隔による定期的なスケーリングとポリッシング
outcomes - tooth loss, plaque, calculus, gingivitis, bleeding and periodontal indices, changes in probing depth, attachment change, patient-centred outcomes and economic outcomes.
アウトカム - 歯の喪失、プラーク、歯石、歯肉炎、歯肉からの出血、歯周指数、プロービング・デプスの変化、アタッチメントの変化、患者中心のアウトカム、経済的アウトカム

Data collection and analysis

Information regarding methods, participants, interventions, outcome measures and results were independently extracted, in duplicate, by two review authors.
Authors were contacted where possible and where deemed necessary for further details regarding study design and for data clarification.
A quality assessment of all included trials was carried out.
The Cochrane Collaboration's statistical guidelines were followed and both standardised mean differences and mean differences were calculated as appropriate using random-effects models.

Main results

Nine studies were included in this review.
All studies were assessed as having a high risk of bias.

Two split-mouth studies provided data for the comparison between scale and polish versus no scale and polish.
One study, involving patients attending a recall programme following periodontal treatment, found no statistically significant differences for plaque, gingivitis and attachment loss between experimental and control units at each time point during the 1 year trial.
The other study, involving adolescents in a developing country with high existing levels of calculus who had not received any dental treatment for at least 5 years, reported statistically significant differences in calculus and gingivitis (bleeding) scores between treatment and control units at 6, 12 and 22 months (in favour of 'scale and polish units') following a single scale and polish provided at baseline to treatment units.
最低5年は、いかなる歯科治療も受けてはいない歯石の多くある、開発途上国の成人を被験者とした研究では、ベースラインにおいて介入群に1回のスケーリングとポリッシングを行い、介入群と対照群には、6, 12, 22ヶ月において、歯石と歯肉炎 (歯肉の出血) スコアに (介入群の方に好ましい) 統計学的有意差が認められた。

For comparisons between routine scale and polish provided at different time intervals, there were some statistically significant differences in favour of scaling and polishing provided at more frequent intervals:
さまざまな間隔での定期的スケーリングとポリッシングの比較では、以下の比較において (より頻繁なスケーリングとポリッシングに好ましい) 統計学的有意差が認められた。
2 weeks versus 6 months, 2 weeks versus 12 months (for the outcomes plaque, gingivitis, pocket depth and attachment change);
2週対6週、2週対12ヶ月 (プラーク・アウトカム、歯肉炎、ポケット・デプス、アタッチメント変化)
3 months versus 12 months (for the outcomes plaque, calculus and gingivitis).
3ヶ月対12ヶ月 (プラーク・アウトカム、歯石、歯肉炎)

There were no studies comparing the effects of scaling and polishing provided by dentists or professionals complementary to dentistry.

Authors’ conclusions

The research evidence is of insufficient quality to reach any conclusions regarding the beneficial and adverse effects of routine scaling and polishing for periodontal health and regarding the effects of providing this intervention at different time intervals.
High quality clinical trials are required to address the basic questions posed in this review.

Topical fluoride as a cause of dental fluorosis in children

May CM Wong, Anne-Marie Glenny, Boyd WK Tsang, Edward CM Lo, Helen V Worthington, Valeria CC Marinho

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD007693. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007693.pub2.





For many years, topical use of fluorides has gained greater popularity than systemic use of fluorides.
A possible adverse effect associated with the use of topical fluoride is the development of dental fluorosis due to the ingestion of excessive fluoride by young children with developing teeth.


To describe the relationship between the use of topical fluorides in young children and the risk of developing dental fluorosis.

Search strategy

Electronic search of the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, Dissertation Abstracts and LILACS/BBO.
Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register、CENTRAL、MEDLINE、EMBASE、BIOSIS、Dissertation Abstracts、LILACS/BBOを検索した。
Reference lists from relevant articles were searched.
Date of the most recent searches: 9th March 09.

Selection criteria

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-RCTs, cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional surveys, in which fluoride toothpastes, mouthrinses, gels, foams, paint-on solutions, and varnishes were compared to an alternative fluoride treatment, placebo or no intervention group.
Children under the age of 6 years at the time topical fluorides were used.

Data collection and analysis

Data from all included studies were extracted by two review authors.
Risk ratios for controlled, prospective studies and odds ratios for case-control studies or cross-sectional surveys were extracted or calculated.
Where both adjusted and unadjusted risk ratios or odds ratios were presented, the adjusted value was included in the meta-analysis.

Main results

25 studies were included: 2 RCTs, 1 cohort study, 6 case-control studies and 16 cross-sectional surveys.
Only one RCT was judged to be at low risk of bias.
The other RCT and all observational studies were judged to be at moderate to high risk of bias.
Studies were included in four intervention/exposure comparisons.
A statistically significant reduction in fluorosis was found if brushing of a child's teeth with fluoride toothpaste commenced after the age of 12 months odds ratio 0.70 (random-effects: 95% confidence interval 0.57 to 0.88) (data from observational studies).
もし、生後12ヶ月以降に、幼児の歯をフッ化物配合歯磨剤で磨き始めるなら、オッズ比で0.70(変量効果: 95%、信頼区間0.57-0.88)と、歯のフッ素症の統計的に有意な減少がみられた(観察研究によるデータ)。
Inconsistent statistically significant associations were found between starting using fluoride toothpaste/toothbrushing before or after the age of 24 months and fluorosis (data from observational studies).
From the RCTs, use of higher level of fluoride was associated with an increased risk of fluorosis.
No significant association between the frequency of toothbrushing or the amount of fluoride toothpaste used and fluorosis was found.

Authors’ conclusions

There should be a balanced consideration between the benefits of topical fluorides in caries prevention and the risk of the development of fluorosis.
Most of the available evidence focuses on mild fluorosis.
There is weak unreliable evidence that starting the use of fluoride toothpaste in children under 12 months of age may be associated with an increased risk of fluorosis.
The evidence for its use between the age of 12 and 24 months is equivocal.
If the risk of fluorosis is of concern, the fluoride level of toothpaste for young children (under 6 years of age) is recommended to be lower than 1000 parts per million (ppm).
More evidence with low risk of bias is needed.
Future trials assessing the effectiveness of different types of topical fluorides (including toothpastes, gels, varnishes and mouthrinses) or different concentrations or both should ensure that they include an adequate follow-up period in order to collect data on potential fluorosis.
As it is unethical to propose RCTs to assess fluorosis itself, it is acknowledged that further observational studies will be undertaken in this area.
However, attention needs to be given to the choice of study design, bearing in mind that prospective, controlled studies will be less susceptible to bias than retrospective and/or uncontrolled studies.


Is the use of fluoride toothpaste during early childhood associated with discolouration/mottling of teeth?
There is strong evidence that the use of toothpaste containing fluoride can prevent tooth decay (caries) in both children and adults.
However, a possible adverse effect associated with the use of fluoride toothpaste is the mottling of permanent teeth due to the swallowing of excessive fluoride by young children with developing teeth.
This dental fluorosis can range from, typically, mild white patches on the teeth to severe mottling of the teeth with brown staining.
The aim of this review was to evaluate whether the use of fluoride toothpaste by children is associated with an increased risk of developing dental fluorosis in children.
The review included 25 studies of different designs; some providing stronger evidence than others.
There is some evidence that brushing a child's teeth with a toothpaste containing fluoride, before the age of 12 months, may be associated with an increased risk of developing fluorosis.
There is stronger evidence that higher levels of fluoride (1000 parts per million (ppm) or more) in toothpaste are associated with an increased risk of fluorosis when given to children under 5 to 6 years of age.
However, for some children (those considered to be at high risk of tooth decay by their dentist), the benefit to health of preventing decay may outweigh the risk of fluorosis.
In such circumstances, careful brushing by parents/adults with toothpastes containing higher levels of fluoride would be beneficial.

Interventions for tobacco cessation in the dental setting

Alan Carr, Jon Ebbert

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD005084. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005084.pub2.





Tobacco use has significant adverse effects on oral health.
Oral health professionals in the dental office or community setting have a unique opportunity to increase tobacco abstinence rates among tobacco users.


This review assesses the effectiveness of interventions for tobacco cessation offered to cigarette smokers and smokeless tobacco users in the dental office or community setting.

Search strategy

We searched the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction group Specialized Register (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (1966-April 2006), EMBASE (1988-April 2006), CINAHL (1982-April 2006), Healthstar (1975-April 2006), ERIC (1967-April 2006), PsycINFO (1984-April 2006), National Technical Information Service database (NTIS, 1964-April 2006), Dissertation Abstracts Online (1861-April 2006), Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE, 1995-April April 2006), and Web of Science (1993-April 2006).
私たちは、Cochrane Tobacco Addiction group Specialized Register (CENTRAL)、MEDLINE (1966-April 2006)、EMBASE (1988-April 2006)、CINAHL (1982-April 2006)、Healthstar (1975-April 2006)、ERIC (1967-April 2006)、PsycINFO (1984-April 2006)、National Technical Information Service database (NTIS, 1964-April 2006)、Dissertation Abstracts Online (1861-April 2006)、Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE, 1995-April April 2006)、そしてWeb of Science (1993-April 2006)を検索した。

Selection criteria

We included randomized and pseudo-randomized clinical trials assessing tobacco cessation interventions conducted by oral health professionals in the dental office or community setting with at least six months of follow up.

Data collection and analysis

Two authors independently reviewed abstracts for potential inclusion and abstracted data from included trials.
Disagreements were resolved by consensus.

Main results

Six clinical trials met the criteria for inclusion in this review.
Included studies assessed the efficacy of interventions in the dental office or a school community setting.
All studies assessed the efficacy of interventions for smokeless tobacco users, one of which included cigarettes smokers.
All studies employed behavioural interventions and only one offered pharmacotherapy as an interventional component.
All studies included an oral examination component.
Pooling of the studies suggested that interventions conducted by oral health professionals increase tobacco abstinence rates (odds ratio [OR] 1.44; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.16 to 1.78) at 12 months or longer.
研究のプールは、口内保健の専門家による介入は、12ヶ月、あるいはそれ以降の時点における禁煙率を改善する(オッズ比1.44、95%CI: 1.17-1.78)ことを示唆していた。
Heterogeneity was evident (I2 = 75%) and could not be adequately explained through subgroup or sensitivity analyses.

Authors’ conclusions

Available evidence suggests that behavioural interventions for tobacco use conducted by oral health professionals incorporating an oral examination component in the dental office and community setting may increase tobacco abstinence rates among smokeless tobacco users.
Differences between the studies limit the ability to make conclusive recommendations regarding the intervention components that should be incorporated into clinical practice.


Can interventions delivered by dental professionals help tobacco users to quit
As well as the well-known harmful effects of smoking on respiratory and cardiovascular systems, tobacco use is associated with an increased risk for oral disease, including oral cancer and periodontal disease.
Dental professionals are in a unique position to help tobacco users who present for dental care by providing cessation assistance.
We identified and pooled six studies that showed a benefit of tobacco cessation counseling by dental professionals.
The odds ratio was 1.44 (95% confidence interval 1.16 to 1.78) at 12 months, in favour of counseling, compared with usual care or no contact.
禁煙相談をした場合、通常の治療あるいは放置と比較して、12ヶ月後のオッズ比は1.44 (95% CI: 1.16-1.78) でした。
The major implications of these findings are for smokeless tobacco users in the dental settings, as we found limited evidence for the effectiveness of similar interventions for cigarette smokers.

Biomedical risk assessment as an aid for smoking cessation

Bize R, Burnand B, Mueller Y, Re・ge Walther M, Cornuz J.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD004705. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004705.pub3.





A possible strategy for increasing smoking cessation rates could be to provide smokers who have contact with healthcare systems with feedback on the biomedical or potential future effects of smoking, e.g. measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO), lung function, or genetic susceptibility to lung cancer.


To determine the efficacy of biomedical risk assessment provided in addition to various levels of counselling, as a contributing aid to smoking cessation.

Search strategy

We systematically searched the Cochrane Collaboration Tobacco Addiction Group Specialized Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 2008 Issue 4, MEDLINE (1966 to January 2009), and EMBASE (1980 to January 2009).
私たちは、Cochrane Collaboration Tobacco Addiction Group Specialized Register、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 2008 Issue 4, MEDLINE (1966 to January 2009)、EMBASE (1980 to January 2009)を、検索した。
We combined methodological terms with terms related to smoking cessation counselling and biomedical measurements.

Selection criteria

Inclusion criteria were: a randomized controlled trial design; subjects participating in smoking cessation interventions; interventions based on a biomedical test to increase motivation to quit; control groups receiving all other components of intervention; an outcome of smoking cessation rate at least six months after the start of the intervention.

Data collection and analysis

Two assessors independently conducted data extraction on each paper, with disagreements resolved by consensus.
Results were expressed as a relative risk (RR) for smoking cessation with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
Where appropriate a pooled effect was estimated using a Mantel-Haenszel fixed effect method.

Main results

We included eleven trials using a variety of biomedical tests.
Two pairs of trials had sufficiently similar recruitment, setting and interventions to calculate a pooled effect; there was no evidence that CO measurement in primary care (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.32) or spirometry in primary care (RR 1.18, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.81) increased cessation rates.
登録、セッティング、介入が似ており、プールド効果を計算できたのは、2組(4つ)の試験であった。それによると、プライマリー・ケアにおけるCOの評価(RR 1.06, 95%CI 0.85-1.32)や肺気量測定法(RR 1.18, 95%CI 0.77-1.81)が、禁煙率を増加させたというエビデンスはなかった。
We did not pool the other seven trials.
One trial in primary care detected a significant benefit of lung age feedback after spirometry (RR 2.12; 95% CI 1.24 to 3.62).
その中の1つは、プライマリー・ケアにおける試験であり、肺気量測定法後の肺年齢フィードバックの恩恵を検出した(RR 2.12; 95%CI 1.24-3.62)。
One trial that used ultrasonography of carotid and femoral arteries and photographs of plaques detected a benefit (RR 2.77; 95% CI 1.04 to 7.41) but enrolled a population of light smokers.
もう1つは、頸動脈と大腿動脈の超音波検査と血小板の写真を利用した試験であり、恩恵を検出した(RR 2.77; 95%CI 1.04-7.41)が、ライトスモーカーを登録していた。
Five trials failed to detect evidence of a significant effect.
One of these tested CO feedback alone and CO + genetic susceptibility as two different intervention; none of the three possible comparisons detected significant effects.
Three others used a combination of CO and spirometry feedback in different settings, and one tested for a genetic marker.

Authors’ conclusions

There is little evidence about the effects of most types of biomedical tests for risk assessment.
Spirometry combined with an interpretation of the results in terms of ’lung age’ had a significant effect in a single good quality trial.
Mixed quality evidence does not support the hypothesis that other types of biomedical risk assessment increase smoking cessation in comparison to standard treatment.
Only two pairs of studies were similar enough in term of recruitment, setting, and intervention to allow meta-analysis.


Does giving people who smoke feedback about the effects of smoking on their body help them to quit
Biomedical risk assessment is the process of giving smokers feedback on the physical effects of smoking by physiological measurements (for example: exhaled carbon monoxide measurement or lung function tests).
It was thought to be a possible way of increasing quit rates.
In one study, smokers who had their lung function tested and the results explained in terms of their lung age compared to a non smoker of the same age were more likely to quit than people given the same test but without the explanation.
Mixed quality evidence does not suggest that other types of biomedical risk assessment increases smoking cessation compared with standard treatments.
混合品質エビデンスは、その他の種類の生物医学的リスク評価は、標準治療と比較して禁煙率を改善する、という仮説を支持しませんでした。 [2010.3.7]

Emerging theories into the social determinants of health: implications for oral health promotion.
健康の社会的決定要因理論の夜明け: 口腔の健康づくりへの示唆

Watt RG.

Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2002; 30: 241-7.


Abstract - In recent years public health research has increasingly focused upon exploring the social determinants of health.
要約 - 近年、公衆衛生の研究は、ますます、健康の社会的決定要因の調査に焦点が絞られてきている。
This interest has partly arisen through an acknowledgement of the limitations of educational preventive approaches in improving population health and reducing health inequalities.
[population healthは専門語です. 定義を確認しましょう]
[このlimitations of educational preventive approaches=教育予防手法の限界, という表現が何を意味しているのか, 確認してください]
Many health education interventions have been influenced by health behaviour research based upon psychological theories and models.
These theories focus at an individual level and seek to explore cognitive and affective processes determining behaviour and lifestyle.
これらの理論は、個人水準に焦点を当てており、行動や生活様式を規定する、認知や情動 (cognitive and affective) の過程を調べる。
[関連語であるeducational theory=教育理論は, cognitive, affective, behaviouralの3つのdomainからなる, とされています]
Current psychological theories have only a limited value in the development of public health action on altering the underlying social determinants of health.
New theoretical approaches have however, emerged which explore the relationship between the social environment and health.
This paper aims to review and highlight the potential value to oral health promotion of three important public health theoretical approaches: life course analysis, salutogenic model and social capital.
It is important that an informed debate takes place over the theoretical basis of oral health promotion.
As the field of oral health promotion develops it is essential that it is guided by contemporary and appropriate theoretical frameworks to ensure that more effective action is implemented in the future.

From victim blaming to upstream action: tackling the social determinants of oral health inequalities
犠牲者非難との決別: 口腔の健康格差の社会的決定要因への取り組み

Watt RG.

Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 1-11. 2007


Abstract - The persistent and universal nature of oral health inequalities presents a significant challenge to oral health policy makers.
Inequalities in oral health mirror those in general health.
The universal social gradient in both general and oral health highlights the underlying influence of psychosocial, economic, environmental and political determinants.
The dominant preventive approach in dentistry, i.e. narrowly focusing on changing the behaviours of high-risk individuals, has failed to effectively reduce oral health inequalities, and may indeed have increased the oral health equity gap.
A conceptual shift is needed away from this biomedical/behavioural ‘downstream’ approach, to one addressing the ‘upstream’ underlying social determinants of population oral health.
[ここでの下流downstream, 上流upstreamという表現は, McKinlayのUpstream-Downstream! (1979) を念頭においています]
Failure to change our preventive approach is a dereliction of ethical and scientific integrity.
A range of complementary public health actions may be implemented at local, national and international levels to promote sustainable oral health improvements and reduce inequalities.
[持続可能sustaibaleは1980年の世界保全戦略World Conservation Strategyに初出のキーワードです]
[sustainable持続可能な、という表現は、健康づくり国際会議では、健康づくりのためのバンコク憲章 (2005) にて初出となっています]
The aim of this article is to stimulate discussion and debate on the future development of oral health improvement strategies.

Impediments to health promotion in developing countries: the way forward
開発途上国での健康づくりを妨げるもの: 前進せよ

Health Promot. Int. Nyamwaya 11 (3): 175. (163K)


Health promotion is rapidly establishing itself as an approach to health development in several, especially the economically developed, countries.
The tremendous progress registered by the discipline during the last decade is presented in Vol. 11, No. 1 of this journal which appeared earlier this year (Catford and St Leger, 1996).
この10年間で健康づくりにおいてなされた途方も無い進歩は、前述の通りである (Catford and St Leger, 1996)。

While the development of health promotion is so rapid and visible in the more economically developed countries, progress towards establishing it in the less economically developed countries has been slow.
A number of conditions and factors account for this.
In the following paragraphs, these conditions and factors are discussed.
By far the most critical obstacle in the development of health promotion in developing countries, especially Africa and Asia, may be termed as professional competition.
In most such developing countries, well established disciplines such as public health, medicine and nursing are in stiff competition over control of the health development process.
Each of the listed cadres seeks to occupy the top niches in the planning and administration of health development programmes.
The entry of health promotion is viewed as making the competition stiffer and thereby raising the stakes.
The practitioners who have already entrenched themselves in the health development hierarchy do not wish to welcome another potential competitor into the arena.
As a discipline in the making, health promotion very easily arouses the envy and jealousy of the more established disciplines because of a number of factors relating to its very nature.

Firstly, health promotion embraces several strategies which span many technical subjects.
This means that it attracts students and practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds.
The possibility of flooding the arena of health development with the entry of health promotion is therefore real.

Secondly, health promotion deals with resource allocation, legislation, policy, information and advocacy (among other things), all of which are very potent in terms of health development politics.
The discipline's entry into an arena already saturated with jostling for power raises many eyebrows.

Thirdly, there is also the fact that health promotion deals with the public more directly and progressively than most other health disciplines.
This directness and progressiveness unsettles those professionals involved in health development who do not have easy access to the general public.

Because of this perceived threat to other health disciplines, health promotion practitioners have to contend with a situation where they receive little support and meagre resources for their programmes in the developing countries.
In some cases, programmes in health promotion have been denied clearance by government authorities because of the alleged potential threat to political stability;
時に、健康づくり計画は、政局安定への脅威のため、政府当局により否定される。 with such perceived threats in most cases being championed by health practitioners who stand to lose status and power as health promotion expands.
This has been the case in a number of African countries.

Another obstacle facing health promotion in developing countries is its relative newness as a discipline.
Its theoretical bases and implementation strategies are not well understood by most planners and policy makers in the health sector.
Because of this lack of understanding, health promotion is equated to public health or health education, both of which are better established.
Even in some academic institutions, health promotion is dismissed as mere advertising or marketing.
Such misperceptions reduce the level of support and funding for the discipline.

There is a third impediment to health promotion in developing countries which is as important as the two already discussed.
This impediment relates to the lack of a sizeable pool of professional practitioners in the discipline.
In most of Asia and Africa, it is only recently that a few health and social scientists have taken an interest in health promotion.
Most of such enthusiasts have received short-term training in developed countries where the discipline is more established.
On coming back, such enthusiasts have to face opposition from the conventional disciplines as indicated above.
In any case, most of the skills in health promotion acquired in the developed countries are not, in many cases, directly applicable to the circumstances in the developing countries.
In fact, even most of the publications on the discipline relate more to the conditions in the developed countries.
There are cases where health promotion has been dismissed as a luxury which only the richer countries can afford.
Needs such as drugs and food for patients are cited as being more urgent than health promotion.
All this occurs contrary to the generally accepted thinking that promotion (read prevention) is better and cheaper than cure.

Another obstacle to health promotion stems from the relatively long time it takes to realise the impact of interventions.
It is not easy, therefore, to convince planners and community leaders to divert resources since they are told by professionals that results from health promotion interventions may take several years to achieve.
Curative services tend to be more appealing because their impact can be seen soon after an intervention.

It is not the intention here to paint a glum picture of health promotion in the developing countries.
The discipline is definitely here to stay and several programmes based on its concepts and strategies are in place.
However, there is need for a number of actions to be undertaken in order to propel the discipline fully fledged into the 21st century.

The problem of professional competition may never be eliminated completely, since such competition exists among other disciplines, for example, between health education and public health.
What needs to be done is a professionalisation of health promotion practice to a point where its practitioners can interact, compete and collaborate with other health professionals on an equal footing.
There is need for university and college courses geared towards health promotion in developing countries.
Academic publications such as this and other journals have a role to play in this.

There is need for advocacy in support of health promotion at all levels.
This includes action by the International Union of Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) through its conferences and publications.
これには、健康づくり健康教育国際連合 (IUHPE) の国際会議や出版を通じた活動も含まれる。
Activities of the Union need to be promoted more in developing countries.

As we move towards the 21st century, there is need for alliances and networks to be built between developed and developing countries in the health promotion arena.
Conferences such as that on health promotion held in 1991 in Sundsvall, Sweden, can help to strengthen the alliances and networks.
The recently held IUHPE conference at Makuhari, Japan should be seen in the same light.

In conclusion, it may be argued that health promotion has an in-built survival kit, since it deals with not only disease prevention, but the changing or promotion of conditions within which health can thrive.
Health promotion seeks to promote conditions supportive of health improvement and for this reason, both the developed and developing countries must co-operate to ensure that the discipline is well established in the latter countries.
The problems listed in the foregoing can only be solved if there is concerted action between the North and South and the West and the East.
Such action should occur at the professional, political and academic levels.
[途中から気になっていたんだけど、生じるべき (should occur) とか、そんなことで嘆くのではなくて、生じるように環境をととのえるのが健康づくりでしょ...やっぱこのブラジル人、健康づくりをわかってないわ]
Production of this journal is one such action, since it involves scholars and readers from both developed and developing countries.

David Nyamwaya
Regional Editor for Africa

Catford, J. and St Leger, L. (1996) Moving into the next decade―and a new dimension? Health Promotion decade―and a new dimension? Health Promotion

Perceived dental treatment need among older Tanzanian adults- a cross sectional study.

Astrom AN, Kida IA.

BMC Oral Health. 2007 Jul 11;7(1):9


BACKGROUND: Need perceptions for dental care play a key role as to whether people in general will seek dental care.
背景: 歯科治療のための認知されたニーズの程度は、人々が一般に歯科治療を求めるかどうか、の基準となっています。
[perceived needは専門語です。定義を確認しましょう]
The aim was to assess the prevalence of perceived need of problem based dental care, dental check-ups and any type of dental care.
Guided by the conceptual model of Wilson and Cleary, the relationship of perceived need for dental care with socio-demographic characteristics, clinically defined dental problems and self-reported oral health outcomes was investigated.
Partial prosthetic treatment need was estimated using a socio-dental approach.

Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Pwani region and in Dar es Salaam in 2004/2005.
やり方: 横断調査は、2004年と2005年のPwani地区とDar es Salaam地区で実施されました。
Information from interviews and clinical examination became available for 511 urban and 520 rural adults (mean age 62.9 yr).

Results: 51.7% (95% CI 46.2, 57.0) urban and 62.5 % (95% CI 53.1, 70.9) rural inhabitants confirmed need for dental check-up, 42.9% (95% CI 36.9, 48.9) urban and 52.7% (95% CI 44.5, 60.6) rural subjects confirmed need for problem oriented care and 38.4% (95% CI 32.4, 44.6) urban versus 49.6% (95% CI 41.8, 57.4) rural residents reported need for any type of dental care.
結果: 都会の51.7% (95%信頼区間46.2, 57.0)、そして地方の62.5% (95%信頼区間53.1, 70.9) の住民は、歯科健康診断のニーズを追認しました。都会の42.9% (95%信頼区間36.9, 48.9)、そして地方の52.7% (95%信頼区間44.5, 60.6) の住民は、疾病指向型治療のニーズを追認しました。都会の38.4% (95%信頼区間32.4, 44.6)、そして地方の49.6% (95%信頼区間41.8, 57.4) の住民は、歯科治療のニーズがあると報告しました。
Binary and ordinal multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that adults who reported bad oral health and broken teeth were more likely to perceive need for dental care across the three outcome measures than their counterparts.
Socio-demographic factors and clinically defined problems had less impact.
社会人口統計的要因と臨床的に定義された疾病の影響は、小さかったのです。 Based on a normative and an integrated socio-dental approach respectively 39.5% and 4.7% were in need for partial dentures.

Conclusion: About half of the participants confirmed need for problem oriented care, dental check-ups and any type of dental care.
結論: 参加者の約半数は、POC(疾病指向型治療)、歯科健康診断、歯科治療のニーズを追認しました。
Need perceptions were influenced by perceived oral health, clinically assessed oral problems and socio-demographic characteristics.
Need estimates for partial denture was higher when based on clinical examination alone compared to an integrative socio-dental approach.

Applicability of an abbreviated version of the Child-OIDP inventory among primary schoolchildren in Tanzania.

Mtaya M, Astrom AN, Tsakos G.

Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2007 Jul 13;5(1):40


BACKGROUND: There is a need for studies evaluating oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children in developing countries.
背景: 開発途上国の小児のOHRQoL (口腔健康についてのQOL) を評価する研究のニーズは、あります。
[こんな唐突な背景ってありですか? 背景って、~にともない~のニーズが生じてきている、とかそんな感じじゃないと、背景になっているようななっていないような...]

Aim: to assess the psychometric properties, prevalence and perceived causes of the child version of oral impact on daily performance inventory (Child-OIDP) among school children in two socio-demographically different districts of Tanzania.
目的: タンザニアの2つの社会人口統計的に異なる地区の学童におけるChild-OIDP (日常動作一覧表における口腔影響の小児版) の精神測定の性質と程度、そして認知されている原因を評価します。
Socio-behavioral and clinical correlates of childrens OHRQoL were also investigated.
小児の OHQoL と社会行動的、臨床的に相互に関連のあるものも調査しました。

Method: One thousand six hundred and one children (mean age 13 yr, 60.5% girls) attending 16 (urban and rural) primary schools in Kinondoni and Temeke districts completed a survey instrument in face to face interviews and participated in a full mouth clinical examination.
やり方: KinondoniとTemeke地区の16の (都会と地方の) 小学校に通う1601人の小児 (平均13歳、女子60.5%) が、面会調査と口腔診査を完遂しました。
The survey instrument was designed to measure a Kiswahili translated and culturally adapted Child-OIDP frequency score, global oral health indicators and socio-demographic factors.

Results: The Kiswahili version of the Child-OIDP inventory preserved the overall concept of the original English version and revealed good reliability in terms of Cronbachs alpha coefficient of 0.77 (Kinondoni: 0.62, Temeke: 0.76).
結果: Child-OIDP一覧表のKiswahili版は、原本である英語版の概念を保存しており、クローンバックのアルファ信頼性係数0.77 (Kinondoni: 0.62、Temeke: 0.76) と、比較的優れた信頼性を示していました。
[reliabilty (信頼性) は統計学の専門用語です。類義語の validity coefficient (妥当性係数) と合わせて確認しましょう]
Weighted Kappa scores from a test-retest were 1.0 and 0.8 in Kinondoni and Temeke, respectively.
Validity was supported in that the OIDP scores varied systematically and in the expected direction with self-reported oral health measures and socio-behavioral indicators.
Confirmatory factor analyses, CFA, confirmed three dimensions identified initially by Principle Component Analysis within the OIDP item pool.
CFA (確証的因子分析) は、OIDP項目貯水池のPCA (主成分分析) により確認されていた3つの次元を追認しました。
A total of 28.6% of the participants had at least one oral impact.
The area specific rates for Kinondoni and Temeke were 18.5% and 45.5%.
The most frequently reported impacts were problems eating and cleaning teeth, and the most frequently reported cause of impacts were toothache, ulcer in mouth and position of teeth.

Conclusion: This study showed that the Kiswahili version of the Child-OIDP was applicable for use among schoolchildren in Tanzania.
結局: この研究はChild-OIDPのKiswahili版は、タンザニアの学童に適応できることを、示していました。

Key words: Child-OIDP, schoolchildren, Tanzania, psychometric properties, prevalence estimates.

Personal risk factors for generalized periodontitis.

Clarke NG, Hirsch RS. Department of Dentistry, University of Adelaide, South Australia.

J Clin Periodontol. 1995 Feb;22(2):136-45.


Periodontitis is generally considered to be a consequence of an unfavourable host-parasite interaction in which bacteria are the determinants of disease.
An intense search continues for the bacteria, specific or non-specific, that are responsible for periodontitis and various forms of the periodontal diseases have been associated with, and are widely believed to be caused by, specific bacterial groups.
However, the distribution of periodontopathic bacteria is far wider than the distribution of periodontitis, indicating that the association between bacteria and periodontitis is weak.
This paper proposes a paradigm for the etiology of generalized periodontitis in which 'host' factors are not only those triggered by bacteria (the agent) but are also those personal factors that influence the outcome of the host/parasite relationship.
The personal factors that diminish the efficiency of host defense may include psycho-social stress from the social environment, factors from the lifestyle such as diet, smoking and alcoholism and systemic factors such as intercurrent disease or deficiencies within the immune/inflammatory system.
A model is described in which the interaction of personal factors with the social environment provides the potential for the initiation of periodontitis.
Biological variation is significant and the combination of factors that cause generalized periodontitis or any other chronic disease in one individual may not result in dental or any other chronic disease in another.

Theoretical explanations for social inequalities in oral health.

Sisson KL.

Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 81-88.


Abstract - Social inequalities in health and oral health continue to present a major challenge to public health.
要約- 健康と口腔健康の社会的格差は、公衆衛生における大きな挑戦であり続けている。
Progress towards the development of interventions to reduce health inequalities is currently being hampered by an incomplete understanding of the causes of inequalities in health.
This paper aims to provide oral health researchers with an overview of four current explanations for inequalities in oral health and to suggest further areas of research needed to advance our understanding of the causes of social inequalities in oral health.

Key words: health inequality; oral health;
socioeconomic status

Despite vast improvements in oral health during the 20th century (1), some oral diseases continue to pose a threat to oral health.
20世紀における口腔健康の大きな改善 (1) にもかかわらず、いくつかの口腔疾病は、口腔健康への脅威であり続けている。
Particularly noticeable is the burden of disease experienced by the less affluent.
Social inequality in oral health is a universal phenomenon (2), higher levels of disease are found in more deprived areas in the industrialized and non-industrialized world alike.
口腔健康の社会的格差は普遍的現象であり (2)、高水準の疾病は先進国であれ開発途上国であれ、より貧困な地域にみられる。
This is unfair and unjust and there is a definite need to build public policy to address this problem (3).
これは上公平かつ上公正であり、この課題は政策にて管理されなければいけない (3)。

Concerted efforts are being made to reduce social inequalities in health and oral health.

For interventions to be successful they must be underpinned by theories of themechanisms that cause oral health inequalities; the social determinants of oral health inequalities.

At present we do not have a full and comprehensive explanation for social inequalities in oral health and this is hampering our progress in reducing the problem (4).

The inverse care law

Tudor Hart J.

Lancet 1971; i: 405-412



The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for the population served.
This inverse care law operates more completely where medical care is most exposed to market forces, and less so where such exposure is reduced.
The market distribution of medical care is a primitive and historically outdated social form, and any return to it would further exaggerate the maldistribution of medical resources.

Concepts of risk in dental public health.

Brian A. Burt

Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2005; 33: 240-7.



Abstract - The purpose of this paper is to review the concepts of risk as we use them today in dental public health practice, and to suggest that we should broaden our view of risk.
要約 - 本論文の目的は、私たちが今日しか公衆衛生にて使っている、リスクの考え方を概説し、リスクの視点を広げることを提案することにあります。
Use of terms like risk factor in the literature can be quite vague, and it is recommended that a clear definition of that and related terms be adhered to.
A broader view of risk in dental research would take in the concepts of social determinants of health and population health.
[population healthは専門語です. 定義を確認しましょう] While some progress has been made in our understanding of these issues, better knowledge would give the public health administrator more readily available information to use in program planning.
The skewed distribution of caries in the high-income countries has led to the emergence of targeted prevention programs toward those considered to be at high risk.
In public health programs, targeting at the individual level is not practical: the risk assessment methods are not yet sufficiently precise, and even when individuals are identified there are practical problems with schools and with the children themselves.
(For private practice, however, high-risk child patients can be identified as those with at least one approximal lesion in permanent teeth.)
(ただし、個人診療では, 最低1カ所の永久歯隣接面齲蝕をもつ小児患者であればハイリスクであると、特定できます)
For public health purposes, an argument is made for geographic targeting, i.e. identification of areas of social deprivation where whole schools or school districts can be targeted.
Geographic targeting is something between individual targeting and whole-population approaches.
Ideally, geographic targeting would supplement population measures like water fluoridation and dental health education.
Examples of geographic targeting from Ohio and New York are presented as illustrations.
例としてOhioとNew Yorkにおける地理的標的戦略を示しましょう。

Capitation registration and social deprivation in England. An inverse‘dental’care law?
英国における人頭制の登録と社会的貧困 ‘歯科’医療反比例の法則か?

C. M. Jones,

BDJ, 2001, 190, 4, 203-6



To examine associations between NHS child dental registration data and area deprivation scores of English Health Authorities (N=100) in 1996/97 and 1997/98.


The Department of the Environment index of local conditions and the Jarman Underpriviledge Area Score from the 1991 census were used to measure deprivation.
1991年国勢調査による環境省の地域状況指数 (DoE) とジャーマン上恵地域を、貧困の指標として利用した。
Prior to September 1997, children got free dental treatment under a capitation scheme with an NHS dentist.
If they did not attend within 24 months their registration lapsed on the last day of December of the second registration year and they were deleted from the capitation list.
After September 1997 the registration period was reduced to 15 months.


Curve-linear regression of the Health Authority (HA) percentage of children registered, lapses in capitation registrations and deprivation scores.


In England 68% of children were registered in December 1996.
The percentage registered in each Health Authority was associated with deprivation (DoE, r2=0.33, Jarman, r2=0.27 p<0.01).
それぞれの保健機関に登録していた割合は、貧困と関連していた (DoE, r2=0.33, Jarman, r2=0.27 p<0.01)。
In January 1997, 17.8% (1,345,142) of children registered lapsed (HA range 12.8% to 30.3%) and this was also significantly associated with deprivation (DoE r2=0.66, Jarman, r2=0.51 p<0.01).
1997年1月には登録していた小児の17.8%(保健機関により12.8%から30.3%)である134万5142人が失効していた。この割合は、貧困と関連していた (DoE r2=0.66, Jarman, r2=0.51 p<0.01)。
Similar results were found in 1997/98.


Registration and lapse rates were significantly associated with social deprivation confirming that there is an inverse‘dental’care law for children in England.
NHS capitation may widen dental health inequalities.

The Common Risk Factor Approach: a rational basis for promoting oral health.
共通のリスク・ファクター手法: 合理的な口腔の健康づくりについて

Sheiham A, Watt RG.

Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000; 28: 399-406.


Abstract - Conventional oral health education is not effective nor efficient.
要約 - 従来の口腔健康教育は、効果的でも効率的でもありませんでした。
Many oral health programmes are developed and implemented in isolation from other health programmes.
This often leads, at best to a duplication of effort, or worse, conflicting messages being delivered to the public.
[この冒頭は, とても (論理的に) 美しいと思います]
In addition, oral health programmes tend to concentrate on individual behaviour change and largely ignore the influence of socio-political factors as the key determinants of health.
[この1文は, 個人の行動を変化させるには, 環境からのアプローチも欠かせないという概念="健康の決定要因" から導かれています]
Based upon the general principles of health promotion this paper presents a rationale for an alternative approach for oral health policy.
The common risk factor approach addresses risk factors common to many chronic conditions within the context of the wider socio-environmental milieu.
[context=脈絡という概念は、一般によく理解されていません。この概念は、ある状況と関連して生じるpatterned behavioral response=傾向的行動反応から導かれています]
Oral health is determined by diet, hygiene, smoking, alcohol use, stress and trauma.
As these causes are common to a number of other chronic diseases, adopting a collaborative approach is more rational than one that is disease specific.
The common risk factor approach can be implemented in a variety of ways.
Food policy development and the Health Promoting Schools initiative are used as examples of effective ways of promoting oral health.
口腔の健康づくりの効果的方法として、食糧政策の整備と健康づくり学校構想 (Health Promoting Schools initiative) を紹介しましょう。

Socioeconomic disadvantage and changes in health risk behaviours in Australia: 1989-90 to 2001

Jake M. Najman, Ghasem Toloo, & Victor Siskindc

Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2006;84:976-984.


Objective Lower socioeconomic status (SES) is associated in industrialized countries with unhealthy lifestyle characteristics, such as smoking, physical inactivity and being overweight or obese.
目的 先進国では、社会経済的地位 (SES) が低いことと、喫煙、運動上足、過体重あるいは肥満であること、といった上健康な生活様式の特徴には、関連があります。
This paper examines changes over time in the association between SES and smoking status, physical activity and being overweight or obese in Australia.

Methods Data were taken from three successive national health surveys in Australia carried out in 1989-90 (n = 54 576), 1995 (n = 53 828) and 2001 (n = 26 863).
方法 資料として、オーストラリアにおける3つの継続的な全国健康調査を使いました。1989-90年 (n = 54 576)、1995年 (n = 53 828)、2001年 (n = 26863) に行われた調査です。
Participants in these surveys were selected using a national probability sampling strategy, and aggregated data for geographical areas are used to determine the changing association between SES and lifestyle over time.
3つの調査の被験者は、全国確率抽出戦略 (national probability sampling strategy) を利用して選ばれています。そしてSESと生活様式の関連性の変化を決定するために、地理的地域で分けた資料を利用しました。
[geographical areasは, economic areaではないことを意識した表現です]

Findings Overall, men had less healthy lifestyles.
調査結果 全体を通じて、男性は上健康な生活様式でした。
In 2001 inverse SES trends for both men and women showed that those living in lower SES areas were more likely to smoke and to be sedentary and obese.
There were some important socioeconomic changes over the period 1989-90 to 2001.
The least socioeconomically disadvantaged areas had the largest decrease in the percentage of people smoking tobacco (24% decrease for men and 12% for women) and the largest decrease in the percentage of people reporting sedentary activity levels (25% decrease for men and 22% for women).
最も政治経済的上利の小さい地域では, 最も大きな喫煙者割合の減少 (女性で12%の減少, 男性で24%の減少) がみられました。
[喫煙者割合の減少が大きいとは、禁煙をした人が多い、という意味でしょう] またこの地域では、最も大きなあまり動かない (sedentary activity levels) と報告する人の割合の減少もみられました。
While there has been a general increase in the percentage over time of those who are overweight or obese, there is a modest trend for being overweight to have increased (by about 16% only among females) among those living in areas of higher SES.
過体重や肥満の人々の割合は、一般的には、時代の経過とともに増加していました。また、SESの高い地域に住む人々において、過体重の人が増加する (女性において約16%) という傾向 (modest trend) が、みられました。

Conclusion Socioeconomic inequalities have been increasing for several key risk behaviours related to health; this suggests that specific population-based prevention strategies intended to reduce health inequalities are needed.
結論 さまざまな鍵となる健康に関連する危険行動のために、社会経済的格差が拡大しています。これは、健康格差を緩和する、具体的な母集団予防戦略が必要とされていることを示唆しています。

The dental caries pandemic and disparities problem.

BL Edelstein

BMC Oral Health. 2006 Jun 15;6 Suppl 1:S2.


ABSTRACT : Understanding caries etiology and distribution is central to understanding potential opportunities for and likely impact of new biotechnologies and biomaterials to reduce the caries burden worldwide.
まとめ : 世界中の齲蝕の重荷の軽減における, 新たなる生物工学と生体材料の潜在的可能性と影響を理解するには、齲蝕の病因と分布を理解することが欠かせません。
This review asserts the appropriateness of characterizing caries as a "pandemic" and considers static and temporal trend reports of worldwide caries distribution.
この概説は、齲蝕を "流行病" とみなすことが適切である (appropriateness) と主張し、世界的な齲蝕分布の静的 (static) 傾向と動的 (temporal) 傾向を熟考します。
Oral health disparities within and between countries are related to sugar consumption, fluoride usage, dental care, and social determinants of health.
[dental careが健康格差に関連してるって? そりゃあ、勉強上足だね。どうよ?]
Findings of international and U.S. studies are considered in promoting World Health Organization's and others' recommendations for science-based preventive and disease management interventions at the individual, clinical, public health, and public policy levels.
国際研究やU.S.の研究の結果は、個人、臨床、公衆衛生、公共政策といった水準における、科学的検証に基づく予防、疾病管理介入のための、世界保健機関やその他 [の機関] の勧告の推進において、考慮されます。

Strategies and approaches in oral disease prevention and health promotion

Richard G. Watt

Bulletin of the World Health Organization | September 2005, 83 (9)


Abstract Oral health is an important element of general health and well-being.
要約 口腔健康は, 全身の健康と快適な暮らしには欠かすことができません.
Although largely preventable, many people across the world still suffer unnecessarily from the pain and discomfort associated with oral diseases.
口腔疾病は概ね予防可能ですが, 世界中の多くの人々は, 未だなお, いたずらに, 口腔疾病に関連した痛みや深い症状に悩まされています.
In addition, the costs of dental treatment are high, both to the individual and to society.
さらに, 歯科治療の費用は, 個人と社会の両方にとって, 高額です.
Effective evidence-based preventive approaches are needed to address this major public health problem.
この大きな公衆衛生的疾病を管理するためには, 効果的な検証済みの予防手法が必要とされます.
[歯科疾病の公衆衛生的な大きさについては, Oxford: Textbook of Public Healthに詳しいのです]
The aim of this paper is to outline public health strategies to promote oral health and reduce inequalities.
本論文の目的は, 口腔の健康づくりと健康格差を緩和するための, 公衆衛生戦略を示すことです.
An extensive collection of public health policy documents produced by WHO are reviewed to guide the development of oral health strategies.
口腔健康戦略の開発するため, 世界保健機関により整理された公衆衛生政策の資料の広範囲な所蔵を再検討しましょう.
In addition a range of Cochrane and other systematic reviews assessing the evidence base for oral health interventions are summarized.
また, 口腔健康介入についての仮説を検証した一連のコクランやその他の系統的概説をまとめておきます.
Public health strategies should tackle the underlying social determinants of oral health through the adoption of a common risk approach.
公衆衛生戦略は, 共通の危険関連子手法を生かして, 口腔健康の下に横たわる社会規定因子に取り組むべきです.
Isolated interventions which merely focus on changing oral health behaviours will not achieve sustainable improvements in oral health.
口腔の健康行動を変容させることのみに焦点を絞った孤立介入では, 口腔の健康づくりを維持することはできません.
Radical public health action on the conditions which determine unhealthy behaviours across the population is needed rather than relying solely on the high-risk approach.
ハイリスク手法のみではなく, 母集団に広がる上健康な行動を規定する状況に対する急進的公衆衛生活動が, 必要とされます.
Based upon the Ottawa Charter, a range of complementary strategies can be implemented in partnership with relevant local, national and international agencies.
オタワ憲章に基づき, 関連する地域, 国家, 国際機関と提携した, 一連の補完的戦略が実施されます.
At the core of this public health approach is the need to empower local communities to become actively involved in efforts to promote their oral health.
この公衆衛生手法の核においては, 地域社会が積極的に口腔の健康づくりに関わるように, 地域を活性化することが必要となります.
[Sir Winslowによる公衆衛生の定義を思い出してみましょう]

Roles and Responsibilities of Epidemiologists


Ann Epidemiol 2002; 12: 67-72.


Two distinct views of the roles and responsibilities of epidemiologists have emerged in a decades-long debate: one keeps professional practice constrained to science; the other adds active participation in public health policymaking.
In defense of the narrower view are several claims: that epidemiologists lack expertise in policymaking; that advocating policy adversely affects scientific objectivity; that the limits of epidemiologic science work against translating results into policy; and that participation in policy can bring on personal attacks.
In this study, each claim is addressed.
Epidemiologists already participate fully in educational, research funding, and editorial policymaking and thereby have an experiential foundation in some of the basics of policymaking.
疫学者は、既に、教育や研究資金の調達、編集方針に関与しており、従って政策決定の基礎的経験を有している。 Policymaking can enhance scientific objectivity because it requires not only the use but more importantly the improvement of empirical methods.
Finally, the comforts of professional life are not the primary yardsticks of our responsibilities.
Arguments in favor of active involvement in public health policymaking are presented.
Epidemiologists have been mixing science and policymaking for a long time and there is a strong sense that the benefits of public stewardship outweigh the risks.
The American College of Epidemiology's Ethics Guidelines support this view.
Active articipation in public heath policymaking will, however, require curriculum changes in graduate training programs.
With additional training and a broader recognition that public health policymaking is an appropriate professional pursuit, epidemiologists can look to a bright and challenging future in the science and practice of public health.

Relation between clinical dental status and subjective impacts on daily living

A. Leao and A. Sheiham

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Vol. 35, No. 2. (April 2007), pp. 81-88.


Although clinical dental status has weak correlations with subjective impacts, some of them are significant.
Those variables which had significant correlations could be used as a starting point to understand clinical and social characteristics of people who experience dental problems.
This is indeed the basis for the current research.
The study compares psychosocial impacts on the quality of people's life with their respective oral status.
To that end, a socio-dental indicator, the 'Dental Impact of Daily Living' (DIDL), involving five dimensions, together with a scale which assesses dimension impacts, was developed.
The resulting instrument was validated and the reliability tested.
The instrument generates a total final score, in addition to scores for each dimension.
The method was tested in Brazil on a sample of 662 people, aged from 35 to 44 years, of two social classes, both sexes, and with three different levels of dental caries status or with a full upper denture.
To test whether DIDL discriminated between groups with different levels of subjective impact, we analyzed how oral status, social class, and gender varied according to impacts.
Different levels of oral status had different impacts on people's daily life.
On the basis of the results, it is reasonable to suggest that oral status and social and psychological dimensions should be considered simultaneously when in assessment of people's dental needs.

Potential for fraudulent use of digital radiography.

Tsang A, Sweet D, Wood RE.

J Am Dent Assoc. 1999 Sep;130(9):1325-9.


BACKGROUND: Digital radiographic images can be manipulated using personal computers.
背景: デジタルX線撮影像は、PCを利用して利用される。
To test the potential for fraudulent use, the authors altered a series of dental radiographs, printed them to simulate duplicated films and submitted them for authorization of proposed treatment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors obtained periapical radiographs of teeth that contained small restorations or were unrestored from the files of three dental patients at a private dental practice.
材料とやり方: 著者は、小さな修復のある歯とない歯の歯根尖端周囲のX線撮影を、個人歯科開業医の3人の歯科患者のフィルムを入手した。
The authors used a flatbed scanner to digitize and import the radiographs into a computer.
著者は、 フラットベッド・スキャナを利用して、X戦撮影をPCに取り込んだ。
Then they added dental caries, large restorations, fractures and periapical pathosis to the radiographs.
The authors proposed to the insurance companies that the teeth in question be restored using expensive treatment, such as root-canal therapy and full-coverage crowns.

RESULTS: In each case, the insurance companies authorized the proposed treatment based on the appearance of the teeth on the radiographs.
結果: それぞれの事例で、保険会社は、X線撮影のある歯の状況に基づき、申請した治療を認可した。
The altered images illustrated an apparent need for dental treatment that was not required and that could have led to payment for treatment that was not actually performed.

CONCLUSIONS: This study illustrates the potential for the fraudulent use of manipulated digital radiographic images.
結論: 本研究は、デジタルX線撮影像の上正利用の可能性を示している。

CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Dentistry should be aware of the implications of the potential for such abuse and should develop measures both to prevent it from occurring and to facilitate its detection.
臨床との関わり: 歯科は、このような上正の可能性を警告すべきである。そして上正を防ぎ、また上正の検出を容易にする方法を開発すべきである。

A Life Course Approach to Assessing Causes of Dental Caries Experience: The Relationship between Biological, Behavioural, Socio-Economic and Psychological Conditions and Caries in Adolescents
齲蝕経験の要因を評価のためのライフ・コース手法: 成人における生物学的、行動的、社会経済的、物理的状況と齲蝕の関連

B. Nicolau, W. Marcenes, M. Bartley, A. Sheiham

Caries Research 2003;37:319-326 (DOI: 10.1159/000072162)


The objective of this study was to further elucidate the relationship between relevant biological, behavioural, socio-economic and psychological conditions, experienced in very early life and along the life course, and dental caries experience using the life course approach.
A two-phase study was carried out in Brazil.
In the first phase, 652 13-year-olds were clinically examined and interviewed.
In the second phase, 330 families were randomly selected for interview to collect information on the teenagers' early years of life.
Clinical assessment included dental caries, periodontal and traumatic dental injury status.
The data analysis involved multiple logistic regression analysis.
Adolescents born in a non-brick house, those with a low birth weight and those who were the second or later child in the family were statistically significantly more likely to have a high DMF-T.
In conclusion, the results of this study show that there is an association between socio-economic and biological factors in very early life and levels of caries in adolescents.

A life-course approach to assess psychosocial factors and periodontal disease

Nicolau, Belinda; Netuveli, Gopalakrishnan; Kim, Jung-Wang Martin; Sheiham, Aubrey; Marcenes, Wagner

Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Volume 34, Number 10, October 2007 , pp. 844-850(7)


Background: Several models have been used to suggest the role of psychosocial factors in periodontal disease.
背景: 歯周疾病の社会心理的要因の役割を説明する、いくつかの模型が提案されている。
None have adopted the life-course approach, which emphasizes the importance of exposures over time and at critical points of a person's life.

Objective: To investigate the relationship between psychosocial factors at two periods of life and periodontal diseases in Brazilian adult females.
目的: ブラジルの成人女性における人生の2つの時期の心理社会的要因と歯周疾病の関連を調べた。

Material and Methods: The study design was a cross-sectional survey of 330 women randomly selected from a larger sample of mothers whose children participated in a study on chronic oral disease using a life-course framework.
材料と方法: 本研究の設計は、ライフ・コースの枠組みを利用した慢性の口腔疾病の研究に参加している子供をもつ母親の大標本から330の女性を無作為に選び、横断調査である。
Each woman was clinically assessed for the presence of periodontal disease.
An interview collected information on socioeconomic, behavioural and family-related factors at two periods of the participant's life (childhood and adulthood).
The main outcome variable was loss of periodontal attachment.
Data analysis used logistic regression.
Results: High levels of periodontal disease were predicted by <4 years of education, past and present smoking, high levels of paternal discipline in childhood and low levels of emotional support in adulthood.
結果: 高水準の歯周疾病は、4年未満の学歴、過去と現在の喫煙、高水準の小児期のしつけ、成人期の低水準の心の支えと関連していた。
The influence of childhood factors was not attenuated by adulthood circumstances.

Conclusion: Psychosocial factors in childhood and adulthood were associated with high levels of periodontal disease in adulthood.
結論: 幼少期と成人期における社会心理的要因は、成人期における高水準な歯周疾病と関連があった。

The impact of universal access to dental care on disparities in caries experience in children

I. Ismail, Woosung Sohn

JADA, Vol. 132, March 2001


Background. The authors investigated the association between socioeconomic status and the severity of dental caries in 6- and 7-year-old children who had had access to dental care throughout their lives.
背景。著者は、社会経済状況と歯科治療を受けたことのある6, 7歳児の齲蝕の重症度の関連を調べた。
The children had lived since birth in Nova Scotia, Canada, a province with a universal publicly financed dental care program.
小児は出生以来、ユニバーサル公共歯科治療プログラムの実施している、カナダのNova Scotia州に住んでいる。

Methods. The authors selected a representative sample of first-grade children using a stratified multistage sampling method of primary schools (n = 1,614).
方法: 著者は層化多段抽出法を利用して、小学校1年生の標本 (n = 1,614) を選んだ。
The response rate was 78.8 percent.
Two dentists were trained to diagnose dental caries using modified World Health Organization criteria.
Intra-and interexaminer reliability was excellent (0.88).
診断者内、診断者間の信頼性は良好 (0.88) であった。
Of the children who were examined (n = 1,271), 955 were lifelong residents of Nova Scotia, Canada, and so were included in this analysis.
Data were weighted and adjusted for clustering (design) effects.

Results. Only 8.4 percent of the children had visited a dental office before the age of 2 years, and 88.5 percent of the children had their first dental visit between the ages of 2 and 5 years.
Children whose parents had completed a university education had a significantly lower mean number of decayed, missing and filled surfaces, or dmfs, in their primary teeth than did children whose parents had a lower education level.
A Poisson regression model indicated that parents’ high education status, optimal fluoride concentration in schools’ water supplies, daily toothbrushing and dental visits for checkup were significantly associated with low dmfs scores.

Conclusion. Having access to a universal publicly financed dental insurance program since birth did not eliminate the disparities in caries experience.

Do we still care about children's teeth?

Curzon, ME, Pollard, MA

Br Dent J. 1997 Apr 12;182(7):242-4.


The level of care for children over the past 5 years has become bimodal, with most children with low levels of dental caries having good maintenance care, but those with moderate to high caries receiving significantly poorer care.
Capitation has led to supervised neglect for many children who develop dental decay.
This is not at all unexpected considering the general lack of concern by the government and public dental services and the fact that the level of payment of GDPs is such that they cannot afford to treat children.
The problems of the dental care of children in the UK are compounded by the lack of specialist paediatric dentists for the more difficult patient.

Science and social responsibility in public health.

Weed DL, McKeown RE.

Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Nov;111(14):1804-8.


Epidemiologists and environmental health researchers have a joint responsibility to acquire scientific knowledge that matters to public health and to apply the knowledge gained in public health practice. We examine the nature and source of these social responsibilities, discuss a debate in the epidemiological literature on roles and responsibilities, and cite approaches to environmental justice as reflective of them. At one level, responsibility refers to accountability, as in being responsible for actions taken. A deeper meaning of responsibility corresponds to commitment to the pursuit and achievement of a valued end. Epidemiologists are committed to the scientific study of health and disease in human populations and to the application of scientific knowledge to improve the public's health. Responsibility is also closely linked to reliability. Responsible professionals reliably perform the tasks they set for themselves as well as the tasks society expects them to undertake. The defining axiom for our approach is that the health of the public is a social good we commit ourselves to pursue, thus assuming an obligation to contribute to its achievement. Epidemiologists cannot claim to be committed to public health as a social good and not accept the responsibility of ensuring that the knowledge gained in their roles as scientists is used to achieve that good. The social responsibilities of environmental health researchers are conspicuous in the environmental justice movement, for example, in community-based participatory research. Responsibility is an ethical concept particularly well suited to frame many key aspects of the ethics of our profession.

Relative contribution of dental services to the changes in caries levels of 12-year-old children in 18 industrialized countries in the 1970s and early 1980s

Paulo Nadanovsky and Aubrey Sheiham

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 23 (6) , 331–339 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0528.1995.tb00258.x


The contribution of health services to improvements in health is contentious.
The main aim of the present study was to assess the relative contribution that dental services may have made to the changes in dental caires (decayed, missing or filled permanent teeth) level of 12-year-old children in some industrialized countries in the 1970s and early 1980s.
A secondary aim was an analysis of the association of the changes in caries levels with broad socioeconomic factors.
In this study aggregate (ecological) data from 18 industrialized countries were analyzed at a national level.
Data were obtained from published papers and official publications and included 3 kinds of variables: caries, presence of dental service and broad socioeconomic factors (including fluoridated toothpastes).
Dental services explained 3% of the variation in changes in 12-year-old caries levels in the 1970s and early 1980s period whereas broad socioeconomic factors (including or excluding fluoridated toothpastes) explained 65%.
The findings suggest that dental services were relatively unimportant in explaining the differences in changes in 12 year-old caries levels in the 1970s and early 1980s in the 18 countries.
The view that fluoride in toothpaste was the only important cause of the declines in decayed, missing or filled permanent teeth in industrialized countries was questioned.
A possible important contribution of the dental services to the declines was a change in the diagnostic and treatment criteria of caries.

The relative contribution of dental services to the changes and geographical variations in caries status of 5- and 12-year-old children in England and Wales in the 1980s.

Paulo Nadanovsky and Aubrey Sheiham

Community Dent Health. 1994 Dec;11(4):215-23.


The aim of this study was to assess the relative contribution of dental services to the changes and geographical variations in caries status of 5- and 12-year-old children in England and Wales in the 1980s. A secondary aim was to assess the association between caries experience and social factors. An ecological study analysing data at a district health authority level in England and Wales was conducted. Twenty-eight, 43 and 34 per cent of the variations in 5-year-old dmft in 1985, 1987 and 1989 respectively were explained by dental service activity indicators and 53, 62 and 57 per cent by social factors. Twenty-nine per cent of the variation in 12-year-old DMFT in 1988 was explained by dental service activity indicators and 46 per cent by social factors.

Strategies and approaches in oral disease prevention and health promotion

Richard G. Watt

Bull World Health Organ v.83 n.9 Genebra sep. 2005


Oral health is an important element of general health and well-being. Although largely preventable, many people across the world still suffer unnecessarily from the pain and discomfort associated with oral diseases. In addition, the costs of dental treatment are high, both to the individual and to society. Effective evidence-based preventive approaches are needed to address this major public health problem. The aim of this paper is to outline public health strategies to promote oral health and reduce inequalities. An extensive collection of public health policy documents produced by WHO are reviewed to guide the development of oral health strategies. In addition a range of Cochrane and other systematic reviews assessing the evidence base for oral health interventions are summarized. Public health strategies should tackle the underlying social determinants of oral health through the adoption of a common risk approach. Isolated interventions which merely focus on changing oral health behaviours will not achieve sustainable improvements in oral health. Radical public health action on the conditions which determine unhealthy behaviours across the population is needed rather than relying solely on the high-risk approach. Based upon the Ottawa Charter, a range of complementary strategies can be implemented in partnership with relevant local, national and international agencies. At the core of this public health approach is the need to empower local communities to become actively involved in efforts to promote their oral health.

Concepts of dental caries and their consequences for understanding the disease

O. Fejerskov

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Volume 25 Issue 1, Pages 5 - 12


The way in which we conceptually consider dental caries determines our choice of preventive and treatment strategy.
In this paper the definition of dental caries is discussed and the related problems concerning causality are addressed.
Dental caries reflects symptoms of ongoing and past disease ― not the disease itself.
As such, it is important to record early stages of signs of the disease, i.e. non-cavitated stages of lesion development.
The dynamic nature of the processes leading to net loss of mineral (hence a lesion) is emphasized, and appreciating that caries is ubiquitous in populations around the world and initiation and progression of lesions continues lifelong leads to the logical conclusion that we can control dental caries through a variety of measures ― but not truly prevent the disease.
[dynamic nature動的な性質とは、脱灰decalcificationと再石灰化recalcificationの均衡 ことか?]
We can prevent cavities by controlling the pathophysiological events which may result in a net loss of mineral.
The relative role of dental plaque in caries control is discussed in relation to the role of the many determinants which influence the likelihood for lesion development.
It is concluded that several paradigms about the nature of dental caries should be reconsidered to provide the most cost-effective dental services.

Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century

Don Nutbeam

Health Promotion International, Vol. 15, No. 3, 259-267, September 2000


Health literacy is a relatively new concept in health promotion.
It is a composite term to describe a range of outcomes to health education and communication activities.
[health educationとcommunication activities = literacyの合成語でhealth literacyという意味か?]
From this perspective, health education is directed towards improving health literacy.
This paper identifies the failings of past educational programs to address social and economic determinants of health, and traces the subsequent reduction in the role of health education in contemporary health promotion.
These perceived failings may have led to significant underestimation of the potential role of health education in addressing the social determinants of health.
A ‘health outcome model’ is presented.
This model highlights health literacy as a key outcome from health education.
Examination of the concept of health literacy identifies distinctions between functional health literacy, interactive health literacy and critical health literacy.
Through this analysis, improving health literacy meant more than transmitting information, and developing skills to be able to read pamphlets and successfully make appointments.
[developing skillはオタワ憲章のDevelop Personal Skillsの意味か?]
By improving people's access to health information and their capacity to use it effectively, it is argued that improved health literacy is critical to empowerment.
The implications for the content and method of contemporary health education and communication are then considered.
Emphasis is given to more personal forms of communication, and community-based educational outreach, as well as the political content of health education, focussed on better equipping people to overcome structural barriers to health.
[■outreach program : 福祉計画]

Key words: empowerment; health education; health literacy; health outcomes
Key words: エンパワメント;健康教育;ヘルスリテラシー;ヘルスアウトカム

Realising the human right to health

Vol 374 October 3, 2009 1121

WHO declared more than six decades ago that the “enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being”.1
Nowadays, most countries have ratified international treaties that make the right to health an international legal obligation that has to be progressively realised nationally.
[progressive realizationで漸進的実現という人権用語]

Yet inequalities in basic health services remain intolerably wide, even in many high-income countries.
This is despite the fact that health is the fundamental basis of any successful nation: for social cohesion, economic prosperity, and even political stability.

Fortunately, we are seeing a renewed commitment to making access to health care a reality for all.
This commitment is evident through the creation of global initiatives that aim to generate broad access to essential health services.
One such public-private initiative, the GAVI Alliance (formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation), was launched in 2000 to finance new and underused vaccines for developing countries that otherwise have no access to these life-saving technologies.

In just under a decade, GAVI Alliance partners have collectively achieved impressive results in 72 of the poorest countries worldwide: vaccines such as those to prevent hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type B infections have now been widely introduced, and hundreds of millions of children have been protected. この10年で、GAVI同盟の共同出資者は、世界72の貧困国にて、目覚ましい結果を残している。B型肝炎やヘモフィラス・インフルエンザ菌タイプ Bの感染を予防するためのワクチンは、世界中に導入され、数億の小児が守られている。
WHO estimates that, as a result of GAVI Alliance programmes, more than 3-4 million deaths have been averted.2

The case for immunisation is as compelling as ever.
予防接種のケースは、これまで通り、 感動的である。
Governments worldwide continue to invest in immunisation programmes as a powerful means to protect their populations from disease and save on future health-care expenditures. For developing countries, investment in immunisation is regarded as one of the most cost-eff ective contributions to their economic development, and an essential way to help realise the right to health for millions of people (figure).

Yet these signs of progress draw attention to further challenges that remain to be addressed. To secure long-term success, more should clearly be done to strengthen the foundations of health systems within countries―eg, by ensuring that health workers with the right training and experience are available in all countries.
Realisation of this aim means supporting eff orts to make primary and secondary care more accessible, and improving logistics and supply systems so that money, drugs, equipment, and fuel can be made available in the right place at the right time.

With the support of its donors, the GAVI Alliance is contributing to such eff orts. It is asking countries to identify restrictions to achieving sustained high immunisation coverage.
This goes beyond supply of vaccines and syringes to addressing systemic constraints that are restricting the effectiveness of national health plans. The GAVI Alliance recently welcomed a further commitment to funding for health-system strengthening through an expansion of the International Finance Facility for Immunisation, thanks to support from the UK, Australia, Norway, and the Netherlands.3
The intended use for the additional funds will be to help to address wider maternal and child health issues.

Providing life-saving vaccines to all children worldwide, irrespective of where they live, is fundamental to ensuring the right to health.
Global health initiatives such as the GAVI Alliance are crucially important if we are serious about our collective promise.
We face many challenges, but must not lose sight of the great opportunities that are within our reach.
Only through committed leadership and eff ective partnerships between the global north and south, between the public and private sectors, and between human rights advocates and health professionals, will we see real progress towards the goal of universal access to health.

Mary Robinson
Ethical Globalization Initiative, New York, NY 10016, USA

I am Chair of the GAVI Alliance Board and President of Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative.
1 Constitution of WHO. http://www.who.int/governance/eb/who_constitution_en.pdf (accessed Sept 24, 2009).
2 WHO. Report on GAVI Progress 2000-2007 and projected achievements 2008-2010, Department of Immunization, Vaccines, and Biologicals. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2008.
3 Outcome document from the meeting of the Taskforce on Innovative International Financing for Health Systems. Sept 23, 2009. http://www.internationalhealthpartnership.net//CMS_files/documents/un_general_assembly_meeting_outcome_document_EN.pdf (accessed Sept 25, 2009).

Figure: Rwanda’s Health Minister Richard Sezibera delivers his country’s first dose of pneumococcal vaccine to baby boy
Hundreds of thousands of Rwandan infants will now receive protection from the world’s leading infectious child disease.
Acceleration of poor countries’ access to vaccines against two of the world’s biggest, yet most overlooked, child diseases, pneumococcal disease and rotavirus, will fast-track progress towards meeting UN Millennium
Development Goal 4: to reduce childhood deaths by two-thirds by 2015.

Interventions for the management of external root resorption

Z Ahangari , M Nasser, M Mahdian, Z Fedorowicz, MA Marchesan

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD008003. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008003.pub2



Interventions for the management of external root resorption
The resorption of the tooth root is a pathological process which can occur following tooth infection, orthodontic treatments or in the presence of unerupted teeth in the jaw.
Although this condition is generally asymptomatic and missed in diagnosis, external root resorption may result in tooth mobility and if not diagnosed and treated at an early stage, might eventually result in tooth loss.
Our explicit search revealed that despite the relatively high prevalence of this defect, treatment options are generally case-dependant and there is no high level evidence in this respect.
We also identified several empirical reports which require further consideration.
It is concluded that future research should aim to provide evidence for practitioners and consumers to make informed decisions about the most appropriate means of managing external root resorption and it appears that the clinician's experience in conjunction with patient's preference would make up the most suitable therapeutic approach.



External root resorption is a pathological process which tends to occur following a wide range of mechanical or chemical stimuli such as infection, pressure, trauma or orthodontic tooth movement.
Although it is predominantly detected by radiography, in some cases, root resorption may be identified by clinical symptoms i.e. pain, swelling and mobility of the tooth.
Treatment alternatives are case-dependant and aim at the removal of the cause and the regeneration of the resorptive lesion.


To evaluate the effectiveness of any interventions that can be used in the management of external root resorption in permanent teeth.

Search strategy

We searched the following databases in April 2010: The Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register; the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue 3); MEDLINE (via OVID) (1950 to April 2010); and EMBASE (via OVID) (1980 to April 2010).
2010年4月における以下の資料を検索した。The Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register、The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue 3)、MEDLINE (via OVID) (1950年から2010年4月まで)、EMBASE (via OVID) (1980年から2010年4月まで)。
We also searched two regional bibliographic databases (IndMED and Iranmedex) and handsearched five Iranian dental journals using free text terms appropriate for this review.

Selection criteria

Randomised controlled trials comparing any type of intervention including root canal medications and canal filling, splinting or extraction of teeth or the surgical removal of any relevant pathology with each other, or placebo or no treatment applied to permanent teeth with any type of external root resorption which had been confirmed by clinical and radiological examination.

Data collection and analysis

Two review authors conducted screening of studies in duplicate and independently.
The Cochrane Collaboration statistical guidelines were to be followed.

Main results

66 trials were identified in our searches none of which matched our inclusion criteria.
However, we identified one ongoing study which is potentially relevant to this review and will be assessed when it is published.

Authors' conclusions

We were unable to identify any reports of randomised controlled trials regarding the efficacy of different interventions for the management of external root resorption.
In view of the lack of any high level evidence on this topic, it is suggested that clinicians decide on the most appropriate means of managing this condition according to their clinical experience with regard to patient related factors.
Future research should consist of robust clinical trials which conform to the CONSORT statement (www.consort-statement.org/).